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 15 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Pythagoras"Advanced Search
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Musical theories of Pythagoras, 1492. Creator: Unknown.
Pythagoras and his disciples, 1400-1404. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Pythagoras, 18th century. Creator: After Raffaello Sanzio, called Raphael  Italian, 1483-1530.
The Group from Raphael's School of Athens, dated 1523. Creator: Agostino Veneziano.
'Pythagoras',  (c570-c495 BC), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
Pythagoras (c560 - 480 BC), Greek philosopher and scientist. Artist: Unknown
Detail of the doorway on the west front of Chartres Cathedral, 12th century. Artist: Unknown
'School of Athens', c1510. Artist: Raphael
Pythagoras, Greek mathematician, 1508. Artist: Unknown
Pythagoras (c560 - 480 BC), Greek philosopher and scientist. Artist: Unknown
Pythagoras (560-480 BC), Greek philosopher and scientist, demonstrating mathematical relationships. Artist: Unknown
Pythagoras (580-500 BC), drawing for the 'School of Athens', 16th century.Artist: Raphael
'A General Display of Arts and Sciences', 1790. Artist: Reynolds Grignion
Pythagoras, Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Pythagoras, Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher, 6th century BC (1833). Artist: Unknown