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 9 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Saladin"Advanced Search
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Tenth Day, Ninth Story: Saladin Bestows Rich Gifts on the Sleeping Torello, c. 1757. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
Richard I, King of England from 1189, (1932). Artist: Rosalind Thornycroft.
Terrific combat between Richard Coeur de Lion and Saladin, 1850. Creators: John Leech, Gilbert Abbott A Beckett.
Saladin Escaping on a swift Dromedary, 1869. Artist: Unknown
Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in mounted combat, 1191 (13th century). Artist: Unknown
Saladin, c1180. Artist: Unknown
Richard I, King of England, (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Richard I, King of England from 1189, (1932). Artist: Rosalind Thornycroft
King Richard I (1157-119) at the Battle of Jaffa, 1192.Artist: William Turner Davey