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Portrait of a lady (recto), undated. (c1930s) Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Portrait of a lady, 1923. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Design: Mrs. Holle, 1943. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Portrait of Franz Barwig the Younger, around 1921. Creator: Franz Barwig the Elder.
Portrait of Franz Barwig the Younger, around 1921. Creator: Franz Barwig the Elder.
Grete Wagner-Barwig and Dr. Joseph Wagner, around 1927/1930. Creator: Franz Barwig the Elder.
Self-portrait, 1927. Creator: Franz Barwig the Elder.
Boy's head, 1922. Creator: George Kolbe.
Sensitive, undated. (c1920s) Creator: George Kolbe.
Woman's head, undated. (c1910s) Creator: Herbert Garbe.
Alfred Flechtheim, 1921. Creator: Hermann Haller.
Abyssinian boy, c1922. Creator: Hermann Haller.
Head of a girl, 1936. Creator: Karl Korschann.
Female head with turban (Edwarda), 1935. Creator: Viktor Planckh.
Portrait of an elderly lady, 1960. Creator: Walther Gamerith.
Self-portrait, 1928. Creator: Walther Gamerith.
Colored invitation card, 1922. Creator: Adolf Holzel.
Dead hares, 1925. Creator: Albin Egger-Lienz.
The table prayer, after 1923. Creator: Albin Egger-Lienz.
Odysseus (longing for home), before 1924. Creator: Alexander Rothaug.
Dido at the stake, 1935. Creator: Alexander Rothaug.
"Der Eisenhans" (Iron Hans), 1943. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Steyr, 1944. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Steyr, 1944. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Maria Grun, 1935-1938. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Village Square, 1935-1940. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Monument - 'In Arte Voluptas', after 1920. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Autumn street, after 1938. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Houses, after 1938. Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Houses, undated. (c1930s) Creator: Anny Dollschein.
House by night, undated. (c1930s) Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Portrait of a Lady, undated. (c1920s) Creator: Anny Dollschein.
Mary's visit to the temple, c1923. Creator: Anton Faistauer.
Salzburg Evening Landscape, c1924. Creator: Anton Faistauer.
Kneeling Narcissus, 1920. Creator: Anton Kolig.
Justitia, 1921. Creator: Anton Kolig.
Milking of the cows, undated. (c1920s) Creator: Carl Fahringer.
Stream bank with chickens, undated. (c1920s) Creator: Demeter Koko.
Still life with stone jugs and lemons, undated. (c1920s) Creator: Emil Kraus.
Landscape near Lind-Sternberg, 1931. Creator: Felix Esterl.
Farm in the Waldviertel, 1925. Creator: Ferdinand Brunner.
Women’s act, c1927/1930. Creator: Franz Barwig.
Reading Man, 1925-1935. Creator: Fritz Rojka.
Confession, 1920. Creator: Fritz Schwarz-Waldegg.
Artist’s wife, 1921. Creator: Georges Kars.
Mountain landscape, 1935. Creator: Hans Frank.
Signe Wallin, 1930. Creator: Jean Egger.
Woman with her arms crossed, undated. (c1920s) Creator: Johanna Kampmann-Freund.
Suburban settlement, undated. (c1920s) Creator: Johanna Kampmann-Freund.
Portrait of a Man, 1920. Creator: Julius Zimpel.
Maria Lorenz, 1931. Creator: Karl Friedrich Gsur.
The express train, 1924. Creator: Klemens Brosch.
Winter in the Park, 1925. Creator: Leopold Blauensteiner.
From Eisenstadt, Early 20th century. Creator: Maria Weith.
Forest Way, End of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. Creator: Max Slevogt.
The ship of fools, 1922. Creator: Oskar Laske.
Mountain lake, 1925. Creator: Richard Harlfinger.
Landscape with herons, 1923. Creator: Robin Christian Andersen.
Still life with two heads, 1932. Creator: Rudolf Wacker.
Sunday afternoon, 1942. Creator: Theo Champion.