Cover of the of the catalogue of the Soviet Union Pavilion on International Presse Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)

Cover of the of the catalogue of the Soviet Union Pavilion on International Presse Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)

2-596-608 - © Fine Art Images/Heritage Images

Cover of the of the catalogue of the Soviet Union Pavilion on International Presse Exhibition, Cologne, 1928. From a private collection.

Image Details

  1. Collage

Picture Type
  1. Poster and graphic design

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3543x5662
File Size : 58,771kb


  1. 18387
  1. 0760006145
  1. 18387
  1. 2-596-608
  1. 2596608

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