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The Royal Visit to the East End: the Queen declaring the new wing of the London Hospital open, 1876. Creator: C.R..
H.M.S. Alexandra, building at Chatham, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Kailas, in the Cave Temples of Ellora, Western India...1876. Creator: RCH.
Funeral of the Grand Duchess Marie Nicolaievna at St. Petersburg, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The War in the Herzegovina, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in the Terai: the camp fire after dinner...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in the Terai: Shooting a Bear...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in the Terai: crossing a Nullah in the Jungle...1876. Creator: W. J. P..
Panther presented to the Prince of Wales at Bankipore by the 109th Regiment, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales Tiger-Shooting with Sir Jung Bahadoor: the Critical Moment...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in the Terai: "Padding" a Tiger"...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in the Nepaul Terai: Colonel Sir Arthur Ellis...with a Tiger...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Colonel A. Strange, F.R.S., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Taking soundings on board a steamer on the Indus, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales in the Terai: Mr. Rose chased by a Wild Elephant...1876. Creator: C.R..
The late Dr. Parkes, Army Medical School, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The New Lion-House, Zoological Society's Gardens, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Tame Elephants hunting a Wild Elephant, from a sketch by one of our special artists in India,  1876. Creator: Unknown.
Skinning a Tiger, from a sketch by one of our special artists in India,  1876. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in Madrid: the Water Supply of Madrid, 1876. Creator: C.R..
Return of the Prince of Wales from India: Life on Board the Serapis - Tiger and Cheetals...1876. Creator: L.B..
Possession Island...Southern Indian Ocean, where the Strathmore was wrecked...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Hog Island (one of the Crozet Group), from sketches by Captain Ashby...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The War in Herzegovina: Fight on the Gatschko, near Lipnik...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Return of the Prince of Wales from India: life on board the Serapis: Pony and Thibet Dog...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince's Voyage Home from India: life on board the Serapis: exercising the "Gainees"...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince's Voyage Home from India: life on board the Serapis: lawn tennis...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Wreck of the Strathmore on the Crozet Islands: Turf Tower erected by the Survivors...1876. Creator: W. H. O..
The Strathmore on the Crozet Islands, sketched by the carpenter of the ship, 1876. Creator: H. E. Tozer.
Sketches by Lieutenant Cameron in Central Africa...Lukuga Outlet of Lake Tanganyika...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches by Lieutenant Cameron in Central Africa: Kituta Village, Lake Tanganyika, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches by Lieutenant Cameron in Central Africa: Malumbi Hill, Lake Tanganyika, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince's Voyage Home from India...Himalayan Black Bear and tailless dog...1876. Creator: W. J. P..
Lieutenant V. H. Cameron, R.N., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The American Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia: transplanting trees in the grounds, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lieutenant Cameron at the Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, 1876. Creator: C.R..
Lieutenant Cameron's Sketches in Central Africa: a lake dwelling on Lake Moheya, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Life on the Crozet Islands, from sketches supplied by Mr. Spencer Joslen, 1876. Creator: C.R..
The Wreck of the Strathmore: taking the Survivors from the Island...1876. Creators: W. J. P., W. H. O..
A Maltese Milkman, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Volunteer Review at Tring on Easter Monday: the March Past at Beacon Hill, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Chestnut-backed Coly, at the Zoological Society's Gardens...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Our Ironclad Fleet: H.M.S. Inflexible, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The War in the Herzegovina: Ragusa, Dalmatia, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The War in the Herzegovina: Risano, Dalmatia, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Map of a Portion of Africa, showing...Cameron's Route from the East to the West Coast...1876. Creator: Ernst Ravenstein.
Lady Hamilton, by George Romney, in the late exhibition of Old Masters, Burlington House, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Launch of the Inflexible at Portsmouth...Princess Louise Starting the Ship by Electricity...1876. Creator: W. H. O..
Illumination of Gibraltar in honour of the Prince of Wales...1876. Creator: Unknown.
A Journey into the Herzegovina: Sleeping under Difficulties...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Leaves from a Sketch-Book - Bits of Kent: Yew-Tree, Horton Kirby, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Launch of the Inflexible at Portsmouth Dockyard: stern view of the ship, 1876. Creator: J. R. W..
New Docks and Basin, Portsmouth, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Throwing Bulls at Seville before the Prince of Wales, from a sketch by our special artist, 1876. Creator: L.B..
Our Ironclad Fleet: H.M.S. Temeraire, launched at Chatham on Tuesday last, 1876. Creator: JR Wells.
The Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots, Lancaster, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
An Indian Hunting Trophy, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Apia, Samoa, Navigators' Islands, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Duilio, Italian Ironclad, recently launched at Castellamare, Bay of Naples, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
A Journey into the Herzegovina: Insurgent Hospital at Grahovo, 1876. Creator: C.R..