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1655pages, 99,266 results in yourCategorysearch for"Locations & Buildings"Advanced Search
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Arbours, c.1850.  Creator: Petrus Josephus Hubertus Cuypers.
View of Huis Over Holland with tea dome on the Vecht in Nieuwersluis, 1782-1837. Creator: Pieter Bartholomeusz. Barbiers.
Bamboo bridge, Java, 1833. Creator: Henricus Leonardus van den Houten.
View of the Schloss Moritzburg
, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of Madrid, 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the church Sant'andrea della Valle in Rome, 1750. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the ruins of the temple of Jupiter Stator, the amphitheater of Statilius Taurus..., 1753. Creator: John Miller.
Menu card for the Leidsche Spaarbank, 1889 or earlier.  Creator: Theo van Hoytema.
Menu card with flags, 27 April 1889.  Creator: Theo van Hoytema.
View of a harbour with ships and boats on the water, 1752. Creator: Thomas Major.
View of the Kaaswaag in Alkmaar, 1900-1925. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Galerie des Glaces of the Versailles palace, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of the great and the Pavillon de Manse in Chantilly, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Handcart and barn, 1822-1893.  Creator: Willem Troost II.
Exterior of a church, 1822-1893. Creator: Willem Troost II.
Church towers and tracery, 1822-1893. Creator: Willem Troost II.
Exterior of churches and church towers, 1822-1893. Creator: Willem Troost II.
Houses on a quay, 1822-1893. Creator: Willem Troost II.
Side view of a church, 1822-1893. Creator: Willem Troost II.
Houses on a canal in Amsterdam, 1870-1923. Creator: Willem Witsen.
Turkey and Other Birds near Classical Ruins in a Park, c.1756-c.1761. Creator: Aert Schouman.
City of Angers, 1600-1650. Creator: Anon.
City on the Loire, 1600-1650. Creator: Anon.
Jan de Groot's bookshop and lottery office in the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam, 1758-1843. Creator: Anon.
Jan de Groot's bookshop and lottery office in the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam, 1758-1843. Creator: Anon.
The Church of Terheijden, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
The Church of Terheijden, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
Village church, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
Farm among trees, 1838. Creator: Cornelis Bernardus Buijs.
House in Hoevelaken, 1731-1784. Creators: Cornelis Pronk, Hendrik Spilman.
View of the terraces of the Villa d’Este in Tivoli, 1791. Creator: Daniel Dupré.
Farm in Eext (Drenthe), 1755-1818. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Farm in Eext, Drenthe, 1755-1818. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Farm with a wall, 1755-1818. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Farmhouse with thatched roof, 1755-1818. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Farmyard on the water, 1794-1863. Creator: Gerrit Hulseboom.
Ruin, 1828-1863. Creator: Gysbertus Craeyvanger.
Water mill and village church, 1777. Creator: Hendrik Meijer.
Farm on a canal with a drawbridge, 1757-1822. Creator: Hermanus Petrus Schouten.
View of Luxemburg House at Maarssen on the Vecht, 1757-1822. Creator: Hermanus Petrus Schouten.
Garden with water feature, 1757-1822. Creator: Hermanus Petrus Schouten.
Houses in the Vinkenbuurt, Amsterdam, 1886. Creator: Jan Hanau.
Houses in the Vinkenbuurt, Amsterdam, 1886. Creator: Jan Hanau.
Studies of houses in the Vinkenbuurt, Amsterdam, 1886. Creator: Jan Hanau.
Studies of houses in the Vinkenbuurt, Amsterdam, 1886. Creator: Jan Hanau.
Lindisfarne Abbey on Holy Island, Northumberland, 1830. Creator: John Varley I.
Building with a tower, 1820-1896. Creator: Kasparus Karsen.
Row of houses, 1820-1896. Creator: Kasparus Karsen.
Tree in front of a hut, 1864-1865. Creator: Maria Vos.
Taj Mahal by moonlight, 1877-1932. Creator: Marius Bauer.
Warmond Church, 1786-1839. Creator: Pieter Gerardus van Os.
Farm with trees, 1921. Creator: Pieter H.J.J. Ras.
Farmyard, 1873-1932. Creator: Willem Steenhoff.
A windmill in winter, 1847-1899. Creator: Jacob Henricus Maris.
Southern aisle of the Great Church at The Hague, c.1827-c.1891. Creator: Johannes Bosboom.
View of Dresden with the Frauenkirche, 1820-1896. Creator: Kasparus Karsen.
Arcadian forest landscape with a waterfall, a bridge and three young men, 1780. Creator: Dirk Versteegh.
Design for a church, 1877-1932. Creator: Marius Bauer.
Marzipan, 1898. Creator: Willem Wenckebach.
City wall with a tower and a gate, viewed from the inside, 1788-1846. Creator: Jan Hendrik Verheyen.