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1655pages, 99,266 results in yourCategorysearch for"Locations & Buildings"Advanced Search
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'Sur le massif de Moronvilliers; Sur le Teton: blockhaus en ciment armé', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La destruction methodique de Reims; L'eclatement d'un obus de gros calibre sur le transept..., 1917 Creator: Unknown.
'La destruction methodique de Reims; L'Hotel de Ville en feu, apres le bombardement du 3 ma..., 1917 Creator: Unknown.
'La destruction methodique de Reims; Le sol de la place du Parvis-Notre-Dame, creve par..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La Cathedrale de Reims', 1917. Creator: Charles-Jules Duvent.
'En L'Honneur de L'Amerique; A Londres, le 20 avril 1917: pour la premiere fois, par un grand...1917 Creator: Unknown.
'En L'Honneur de L'Amerique; A Paris, place d'lena, le 22 avril: la foule autour de la statue...1917 Creator: Desgranges.
'La Premiere Mission Francaise aux Etats-unis; Le regiment de la celebre université d'Harvard...1917 Creator: Unknown.
'Sur le Sol Americain; L'arrivee de la mission Joffre-Viviani, le 25 avril 1917, a la..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Sur le Sol Americain; Le salut de Joffre a la Fayette', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'<<Freres Dans la Meme Cause>>; A Columbia (Pensylvanie) le 10 mai: la harangue a nos..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La Visite de Pershing a La Fayette; Soldats americains portant la couronne que le general..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La Visite de Pershing a La Fayette; Le general, devant la tombe de La Fayette: a sa droite..., 1917 Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; A Athenes, le 27 janvier 1917, la ceremonie de reparation pour..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Le 13 juin: nos detachements d'infanterie dans les rues du Piree..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Les 27 et 28 juin, sur l'Acropole: canon de montagne et mitrailleuse en po Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Mitrailleuses sur la place de la Concorde et au coin d'une rue', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Nos morts, au cimetiere du Piree: l'enclos ou devaient reposer..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Soubresauts de la Russie; La propagande pacifiste payee par l'Allemagne: le 1st mai 1917. Creator: Bulla.
'Les Soubresauts de la Russie; Au palais de Tauride: une séance du Congres des delegues..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Fuyards; La panique: soldats russes fuyant eperdument a travers un village apres..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'L'Installation en France de L'Avant-Garde Americaine; Un bataillon du 16th regiment..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; The barracks were bombed on August 20,... 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Bombardment of Vadelaincourt Hospital; A room where, on the same day, nurses..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Our Romanian Allies; A German blockhouse captured by Romanians on the Marastii..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Italian Offensive of the Isonzo; One of fourteen bridges thrown over the Upper Isonzo..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Italian Offensive of the Isonzo; Decking is laid over the boats, 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Hours of Victory; Malmaison farm in 1914, before the war, 1917 Creator: Unknown.
Hours of Victory; The ruins of La Malmaison farm, recaptured on October 23, 1917', 1917, 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Dark Hours of Italy; One of the Tagliamento bridges during the retreat..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Dark Hours of Italy; A bridge over the Livenza, which the Italians blew up.., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Bolshevik Coup in Russia; The study of Tsar Alexander II, ancestor of Nicholas II..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Bolshevik Coup in Russia; At the Winter Palace: the bedroom of Grand Duchess..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Bolshevik Coup in Russia; The study of the Empress Dowager, Marie Feodorovna..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Distant Fronts, At Ouaddai; Goz Beida, capital of Dar Sila..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Distant Fronts, In Mesopotamia; The mosque of Kadhimiya, in Baghdad, 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Conquest of German East Africa; An improvised aircraft hangar at Toa..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Workings and Guano deposit on the Chincha Islands; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Indian workmen; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'The workmens wives; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Emigrants from Bolivia; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''The Baobab Tree of Kouroundingkoto; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''The House of El Hadj at Dianghirte; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Tomb of St. Sebald, Nuremberg; From Alsace to the Hartz', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Entrance of the Imperial Castle, Nuremberg; From Alsace to the Hartz', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Town Hall, Halberstadt; From Alsace to the Hartz', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Discharging Guano-Wagons; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Workings and Guano deposit on the middle Island; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'Sergeant Gomez and his Slave; About the Chincha Islands', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Caucasian village in Winter; The Caucasus', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Samauma Tree of the Amazonian Forests; Indian-Rubber Groves of the Amazons', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Funeral procession at Schucha; The Caucasus', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Miners of the Hartz; From Alsace to the Hartz', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''The Brocken; From Alsace to the Hartz', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Guide in the Hartz; From Alsace to the Hartz', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Forest of Fan-Leaved Palms; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Our Camping-ground at Morebougou; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
'House of the Daughter of the last King of Segou, at Yamina; Journey from the Senegal...', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Persian prisoner in Turkistan; Notes on Western Turkistan', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
''Interior of a Turcoman Tent; Notes on Western Turkistan', 1875. Creator: Unknown.