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Farm buildings, c.1780-c.1800.  Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Farmyard and farm buildings, c.1780-c.1800.  Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Farm buildings with thatched roofs, c.1780-c.1800.  Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Fenced pasture and a cityscape, c.1780-c.1800. Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Farms, c.1780-c.1800. Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Mill on a hill near the coast, c.1780-c.1800. Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Farm buildings, c.1780-c.1800.  Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Farmyard with barns and stables, c.1780-c.1800.  Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
Farms, barns and a landscape with water, c.1780-c.1800.  Creator: Bernhard Heinrich Thier.
City Hall, The Hague, 1855. Creator: Bartholomeus Johannes van Hove.
Landscape with mill and wagon in Vorden, 1874-1892. Creator: Bernardus Bueninck.
Reception of the envoys of the King of Kandy by Governor Imam Falck, 1772. Creator: Carel Frederik Reimer.
The Great Pagoda in Chalembron, India, 1774. Creator: Carel Frederik Reimer.
Cemetery with funeral procession in India, 1773-1775. Creator: Carel Frederik Reimer.
Company of ladies and gentlemen in a court with rose bushes that are lit by the moon, 1847. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
The blacksmith, 1876. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
Monks go to a church, watched by a group of Germans, 1871. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
Carriage of the Prince, who drives from the driveway of Huis ten Bosch, 1855. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
View of the ice, piling up on and against the parapet behind the Runmolen...1799, (1807).  Creator: Cornelis de Jonker.
View of the Soestdijk Palace, 1784-1828. Creator: Cornelis de Kruyff.
View of Het Loo Palace, 1784-1828. Creator: Cornelis de Kruyff.
Ruins of the Ruwiel Castle, 1731. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
View of the manor house at Rhaan near Hellendoorn, side view, 1732. Creator: Cornelis Pronk.
View of the canal in Hasselt, 1863. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
The old guesthouse in Hasselt, 1861. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
View of the canal in Hasselt, 1861. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
The church in Rhenen, 1813. Creator: Daniel Kerkhoff.
View from a terrace in an ornamental garden, 1705-1769. Creator: Daniel Marot.
Man, wife and child on a bench in the park, 1863. Creator: Diederik Franciscus Jamin.
The capture of a city by French troops, 1801. Creator: Dirk Langendijk.
View of Namur from the East during the Siege of 1695, (1695). Creator: Dirk Maes.
Design for a table and a chair, c.1900. Creator: Unknown.
Design for an armchair, c.1900. Creator: Unknown.
Ruins of De Haar Castle, 1801. Creator: Egbert van Drielst.
Muslim man praying, 1882. Creator: Enrico Tarenghi.
Popkensburg Castle on Walcheren, 1851. Creator: F. Bourdrez.
Ruin of the Church in Warmond, 1797. Creator: Franciscus Andreas Milatz.
Boat on a canal, a house and two windmills, 1801-1873.  Creator: George Pieter Westenberg.
View of the Doorwerth Castle, 1801-1873. Creator: George Pieter Westenberg.
Farm houses and a blacksmith on a country road, c.1627-1650. Creator: Gerard Terborch II.
The ruin of the Rijnsburg abbey, 1812. Creator: Gerardus Johannes Verburgh.
View of Rhenen and the Rhine from the East, 1663. Creator: Gerbrand van den Eeckhout.
Old Church of Vaassen, 1852. Creator: Gerrit Hulseboom.
Old Church of Vaassen, 1794-1863. Creator: Gerrit Hulseboom.
View of the entrance to the Latin school, the St. Hieronymusschool, on the Kromme Nieuwegracht in Ut Creator: Gerrit Lamberts.
The Gate of the Castle of Heemstede, 1813. Creator: Gerrit Lamberts.
Interior of the Church of Rhenen, 1823. Creator: Gerrit Lamberts.
View of Loenen, c.1770-c.1780. Creator: Gerrit Zegelaar.
View of the Château de César in Vau, 1633-1687. Creator: Gillis Neyts.
View of the Château d'Antonius in Antoine, 1633-1687. Creator: Gillis Neyts.
Moersbergen Castle near Doorn, 1744. Creator: Hendrik de Winter.
View in Nijmegen with a ferry across the river, 1785. Creator: Hendrick Hoogers.
River landscape with a ruined church tower, 1733-1784. Creator: Hendrik Spilman.
The ruin of the Huis te Kleef near Haarlem, 1733-1784. Creator: Hendrik Spilman.
View of the village of Hoornaar, 1784. Creator: Hendrik Tavenier.
English church in Leiden, 1789. Creator: Hendrik Tavenier.
Belvédère in Nijmegen, 1794-1858. Creator: Henricus Franciscus Wiertz.
Ruined house in Utrecht, 1674. Creator: Herman Saftleven the Younger.
View of Castle Nijenrode, 1653. Creator: Herman Saftleven the Younger.
Ruin of Rijnsburg Abbey, 1754-1820. Creator: Hermanus Numan.