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1655pages, 99,266 results in yourCategorysearch for"Locations & Buildings"Advanced Search
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'La Nouvelle Europe; les elections Allemandes; l'ordre assure dans la rue par l'artillerie..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; les elections Allemandes; auto-taxi de propagande social-democrate..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Premiere séance solennelle de l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; le bolchevisme en Hongrie; une premiere tentative communiste a Budapest...,1919 Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le gouvernement bolcheviste..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le "directoire" bolcheviste..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; un arc de triomphe, place Andrassy..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; distribution des cartes de vivres..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; une actrice du Theatre National..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; la parole communiste prechee en plein air...,1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; A Budapest, devant le monument du Millenaire.., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; sur une terrasse dominant le lac Constance,..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; dans uncoin du parc de Wartegg, les petits arch..., 1919. Creator: Willy Schneider.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Le general Pilsudski, qui chassa les Allemands...,1918 Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Le general Pilsudski revenant de sa captivite... Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Apres la proclamation de la Republique polonaise... Creator: Unknown.
Fort and Town of Alessandria, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Naples - Castle of Ischia, 1857. Creator: Edmund Evans.
The Dutch Folly Fort, Canton River - from a painting by a Chinese artist, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Part of the Destroyed Walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort -  from a sketch by an..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"A Fete Champetre" painted by Watteau, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New Congregational Chapel at Hobart Town, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Portion of an old broadcloth manufactury, Cranbrook, Kent, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Ladak, the Capital of Little Thibet: Party of Punjaub Irregulars, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New Church of St. John the Baptist, Isleworth, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Progress of the Embankment of the Thames at Chelsea, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New Buckingham-Gate, St. James's Park, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Breaching Battery, Dutch Folly Fort, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Travellers' Encampment in the Desert, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Portable School, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"The English House" in Dantzic, 1857.  Creator: Unknown.
Portable School, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"Under Green Leaves" - Lullingsworth, drawn by S. Read, 1857. Creator: Henry Duff Linton.
The Firing and Sacking of the Synagogue, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The New Houses of Parliament: The Peers' Staircase, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New School-Church of St. Peter's, Stepney, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Halstead Hall, near Horncastle, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Clergy Orphan Schools, Canterbury: the Chapel, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of the late Duke of Rutland: Tenantry going to the Lying-in-State, at Belvoir Castle, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
T'he Lying-in-State in Belvoir Castle, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Procession to the Mausoleum, 1857. Creator: Edmund Evans.
Greytown - from a recent sketch, 1857.  Creator: Unknown.
Halt by a Stream near El Arish, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The New Houses of Parliament - the Peers' Porch, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The New Houses of Parliament - Entrance-hall, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The New Houses of Parliament - the Peers' Private Entrance, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The New Houses of Parliament - the Great Clock at Westminster, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Roman Catholic Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Fulham, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Ancient Arch in St. Benedict's Church, Cambridge, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Lancashire Militia New Depot, at Preston, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Altar-tomb and Sculpture in Ledbury Church, 1857.  Creator: Unknown.
Algiers, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Street within the City Walls, Canton - from a drawing by a Chinese artist, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Grand Banquet to the Knights of St. Patrick, in Dublin Castle, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
'Un relais d'ambulance modele; Le premier abri a gauche, portant l'inscription "Relais..., c1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Un relais d'ambulance modele; Entrée de la salle de pansements, servant de bureau..., c1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Un relais d'ambulance modele; La salle de pansements, a voite blindee, entierement..., c1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Son Colonel !; En permission tous les deux, un lieutenant-colonel et un jeune soldat de..., 1916. Creator: Louis Remy Sabattier.
' Au fort de la bataille Jutland ; le croiseur cuirasse "Warrior" riposant au feu de six..., 1916. Creator: Charles Dixon.
'' Au fort de la bataille Jutland ; Le "Warspite" en action', 1916. Creator: Montague Dawson.