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Man Handing a Letter to a Woman in the Entrance Hall of a House, 1670. Creator: Pieter de Hooch.
A Sugar Factory (?) on Java, 1849. Creator: Herman Theodorus Hesselaar.
Interior of a stable with horses and figures, 1850-1874.  Creator: Wouterus Verschuur.
The Wagenbrug (Wagon Bridge) in The Hague, 1885-1895.  Creator: Willem de Zwart.
Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church with Motifs from the Oude and Nieuwe Kerk in..., 1660-1680. Creator: Emanuel de Witte.
Peasant Fair, c.1665. Creator: David Teniers II.
Jonkheer Gysbert Carel Rutger Reinier van Brienen van Ramerus...with his Wife and...Children, 1804.  Creator: Adriaan De Lelie.
Dancing Party in the Forecourt of an Imaginary Palace with a Capriccio View of Venice in the Distanc Creator: Anon.
Bird's-eye View of the Vredenburg (Vredeborch) Castle in Utrecht, c.1550-c.1599. Creator: Anon.
View of Ankara, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Well-guarded Infant, 1867. Creator: August Allebe.
View of the Town of Haarlem, taken from the Spaarne River, showing the Eendjespoort, c.1650-c.1659. Creator: Balthasar van der Veen.
The Mauritshuis in The Hague, 1825. Creator: Bartholomeus Johannes van Hove.
Park in the Vicinity of Paris, 1848. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
The Zuiderhavendijk, Enkhuizen, 1868. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
Church Interior, 1652. Creator: Daniel de Blieck.
A Family beside the Tomb of Prince William i in the Nieuwe Kerk, Delft, 1645. Creator: Dirck van Delen.
The watering place, 1650-1700. Creator: Emanuel Murant.
Landscape in Brazil, c.1665-c.1669. Creator: Frans Post.
Ceiling painting of mythological figures, c.1676-c.1682.  Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
Ceiling painting of mythological figures, c.1676-c.1682.  Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
Ceiling painting of mythological figures, c.1676-c.1682.  Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
Ceiling painting of mythological figures, c.1676-c.1682.  Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
Ceiling painting of Diana and her companions, c.1676-c.1682.  Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
Interior of the Oude Kerk in Delft, 1654. Creator: Gerard Houckgeest.
Interior of the Oude Kerk in Delft, with the Tomb of Vice-Admiral Pieter Pietersz Heijn, c.1650. Creator: Gerard Houckgeest.
The Kedawong Sugar Factory near Pasuruan, Java, 1849. Creator: Herman Theodorus Hesselaar.
Palace Gardens with Poor Lazarus in the foreground, 1550-1606. Creator: Hans Vredeman de Vries.
Interior of a peasant hut, 1650-1693. Creator: Hendrik Mommers.
View of the Herengracht near the Leidsestraat, Amsterdam, 1774. Creator: Hendrick Keun.
Dordrecht, evening, c.1870-c.1899.  Creator: Jacob Henricus Maris.
View of a Town, 1654-1662. Creator: Jacobus Vrel.
Nijenrode Castle on the Vecht near Breukelen, 1660-1686. Creator: Jacobus Storck.
A Coastal Ruin in Italy, 1640-1652. Creator: Jan Asselijin.
Mountainous Landscape with River Valley and Castles, 1661. Creator: Jan Meerhout.
Berckenrode Castle in Heemstede after the Fire, 1747. Creator: Jan ten Compe.
St Denis Church in Liège, 1850-1860. Creator: Jan Weissenbruch.
An Embassy Building in Pera, c.1720-c.1744. Creator: Workshop of Jean Baptiste Vanmour.
The Noordermarkt in Amsterdam, c.1880-c.1906. Creator: Johannes Barnardus Antonius Maria Westerwoudt.
Windmills near Rotterdam, 1857. Creator: Johan Barthold Jongkind.
Interior of the Church in Maasland, c.1870-c.1875. Creator: Johannes Bosboom.
Imaginary View of a Riverside Town with Aachen Cathedral, 1846. Creator: Kasparus Karsen.
An Inn in the Neighborhood of Nantes, 1640-1660. Creator: Lambert Doomer.
Mountainous Landscape with a Ruin, 1849. Creator: Louwrens Hanedoes.
The Old Fortress, 1840-1860. Creator: Louwrens Hanedoes.
View of Egmond aan Zee, 1660-1708. Creator: Ludolf Bakhuizen.
A Fortress, in or after 1639. Creator: Mathieu Dubus.
Old Cottage on the Water, 1656. Creator: Michiel van Vries.
The Archangel Gabriel Appearing to Zacharias, 1625. Creator: Nicolaes de Gyselaer.
De Winkel near Abcoude, c.1877. Creator: Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriel.
The Koepoort (Cow Gate) in Delft, 1850-1892. Creator: Pieter Gerard Vertin.
The Gevangenpoort and the Plaats, The Hague, 1825-1860. Creator: Pieter Daniel van der Burgh.
Convent of Saint Agnes in Utrecht, 1650-1658. Creator: Pieter des Ruelles.
The Casemates before Naarden, 1814, 1814. Creator: Pieter Gerardus van Os.
Landscape with a Stone Bridge, c.1638. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn.
Return of the Falconer, 1637. Creator: Simon de Vlieger.
View of a Levantine Port, 1640-1677. Creator: Thomas Wijck.
The Courtyard of a house in Cairo, 1868-1881. Creator: Willem de Famars Testas.
Landscape with flowering orchard, 1870-1886. Creator: Adolphe Monticelli.
Farmyard, c.1650. Creator: Anon.