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Peckham, 1915. Creator: Francis Dodd.
St. Mary le Strand, 1916. Creator: Francis Dodd.
Strand with sky, 1916. Creator: Francis Dodd.
A Suffolk bridge, 1930s. Creator: Martin Hardie.
A Suffolk farm, 1930s. Creator: Martin Hardie.
Demolition of St. James' Hall, exterior, 1907. Creator: David Muirhead Bone.
The doorway, Vézelay, France, 1915. Creator: Albany E Howarth.
Le Preson V (The Prison). From: Vedute altre prese da i luoghi altre ideate da Antonio...1735-1746. Creator: Canaletto.
Le Ministère de la Marine (The Ministry of the Navy), 1865. Creator: Charles Meryon.
Harbour with a large tower, c.1641. Creator: Claude Lorrain.
The Adam and Eve Inn, Chelsea, 1872. Creator: Edwin Edwards.
Ashwell, 1914. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
Castor, 1927. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
Potter's bow, 1924. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
St. Mary's, Nottingham, 1928. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
The Almonry, 1925. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
St. Botolph's, Boston, 1925. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
Meppershall Chapel, 1915. Creator: Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs.
Rue Gubernatis, Nice, 1920-1935. Creator: Frederick Marriott.
Die Römischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)/ Ruine del Palazzo de'Cesari in Roma, 1810. Creator: Joseph Anton Koch.
Die Römischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)/Rovine del Palazzo de Cesari, 1810. Creator: Joseph Anton Koch.
Die Römischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)/ Acquedotti sotto S. Bonaventura in Roma, 1810. Creator: Joseph Anton Koch.
Die Römischen Ansichten (Views of Rome)/ Subiaco, 1810. Creator: Joseph Anton Koch.
Amoenissimæ aliquot locorum ... effigies. Plate 14. Rudeßheim im Rinckow, 1635. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
Amoenissimæ aliquot locorum ... Effigies. Plate 18. Zu Cöllen, 1635. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
Le Pont-Neuf, 1853. Creator: Charles Meryon.
Le Pont-Neuf, c.1861. Creator: Charles Meryon.
The "Adam and Eve", Old Chelsea, 1879. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Croix de Moulin des Planches, 1827. Creator: Richard Parkes Bonington.
The Temple of Diana, c.1740. Creator: Giovanni Paolo Panini.
Capriccio with a River and Bridge, 1745. Creator: Bernardo Bellotto.
View of the Binnenhof, The Hague, 1690. Creator: Gerrit Berckheyde.
Capriccio with Roman Ruins, Sculptures and a Port, 1650. Creator: Bartholomeus Breenbergh.
The South Façade of Warwick Castle, 1748. Creator: Canaletto.
Interior of the Church at Mantes, 1865. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
Winter Landscape with Figures, 1750. Creator: Francesco Foschi.
The Grand Canal with San Simeone Piccolo and Santa Lucia, 1780. Creator: Francesco Guardi.
The Grand Canal with Santa Lucia and Santa Maria di Nazareth, 1780. Creator: Francesco Guardi.
Curving Bay, 1914. Creator: Ernst Kirchner.
Alpine Kitchen, 1918. Creator: Ernst Kirchner.
The Junkerboden under Snow, 1936. Creator: Ernst Kirchner.
The Swing, 1735. Creator: Nicolas Lancret.
The Earth, unknown date. Creator: Nicolas Lancret.
In the Courtyard of the Customs-House, 1775. Creator: Nicolas Bernard Lepicie.
The Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute, 1738. Creator: Michele Marieschi.
Woman with a Parasol in a Garden, 1875. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
The Foot-Bridge, 1775. Creator: Hubert Robert.
Interior of the Temple of Diana at Nimes, unknown date. Creator: Hubert Robert.
The Old Bridge, 1890. Creator: Theodore Robinson.
Houses on the River (The Old Town), 1914. Creator: Egon Schiele.
Castle in a Forest, 1667. Creator: Jan Wijnants.
The Presentation in the Temple (Interior right wing), 1515. Creator: Anon.
The Square of the Church of Saint Vulfran in Abbeville, 1884. Creator: Eugene Louis Boudin.
Village Scene with Men drinking, 1631. Creator: Adriaen Brouwer.
View of a River Port with the Castel Sant'Angelo, unknown date. Creator: Master of the Monogram IDM.
View of a Village beside a River, unknown date. Creator: Master of the Monogram IDM.
Interior of a Gothic Church, 1615. Creator: Peeter Neeffs the Elder.
Traveller at a Cottage Door, 1649. Creator: Isaac van Ostade.
The West Façade of the Church of Saint Mary in Utrecht, 1662. Creator: Pieter Jansz Saenredam.
Mountain Landscape with a Castle, 1609. Creator: Roelandt Savery.