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1655pages, 99,266 results in yourCategorysearch for"Locations & Buildings"Advanced Search
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The Cotton Famine: receiving clothes at Bridewell Hospital...for the distressed operatives, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The Cotton Famine: making up parcels of clothing at the industrial institution, Manchester, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The Cotton Famine: the Society of Friends' soup-kitchen...Lower Moseley-street, Manchester, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Viaduct over the Taptee, for the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Seat found in the Dionysiac Theatre, Athens, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Memorial window by Messrs. Cox and Son, Christchurch, Worthing, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Seat found in the Dionysiac Theatre, Athens, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Miss Barclay’s Free Church, Edinburgh, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The Cotton Famine: dwellings of Manchester operatives, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The Cotton Famine: school for mill operatives at Mr. Stirling's mill...Manchester, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
"The Prince Consort's Oak", planted by Her Majesty in the Flemish farm, near Windsor..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Confirmation of Dr. Longley's election to the Archbishopric of Canterbury..., 1862. Creator: J. M. Williams.
Scenes in Japan: the night guard at Jeddo, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Scenes in Japan: the mountain Fusiyama, viewed from near Yokohama, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Province Building, Charlotte Town, Prince Edward Island, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Ancient statues in the British Museum, from the Farnese Palace at Rome, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Effects of the cyclone at Calcutta on the 5th of October - from a photograph, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Scenes in Japan: palace of the Daimio at Agasi, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The banquet given to M. Berryer in the Middle Temple Hall by the members of the English Bar, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Irvine (United Presbyterian) Church, Ayrshire, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
View of Bahia from the Public Gardens, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Opening of the new pier at Deal, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Memorial church at Futteygurh, India, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
St. Thomas’s School, Howrah, Calcutta, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Laying the foundation-stone of Brean Down Breakwater, Weston-Super-Mare, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Exhibition of the Lincoln School of Art, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Views in China: tombs of the Emperors of the Ming Dynasty, at Nankin, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Views in China: the cliff and temple at Hukau, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Views in China: the Little Orphan Rock, on the River Yang-Tze-Kiang, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Effects of the cyclone at Calcutta, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Effects of the cyclone at Calcutta, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Views in Borneo: Kucking Fort, Sarawak, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Views in Borneo: Government House, Sarawak, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Demolition of Blackfriars Bridge, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Sketches in British Columbia: Harrison Lake, with the Cascade Mountains in the distance, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Consecration of All Saints' Church, Windsor, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The Old Mill on Wimbledon-Common, lately removed, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The Queen's Hotel, Hastings, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
St. Saviour's Cabmen's Shelter, Upper Brook-street, Manchester, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Restoration of Notre Dame, Paris: the Western Façade, 1862. Creator: Felix Thorigny.
"Nero after the Burning of Rome", by Carl Piloty, in the late International Exhibition, 1862. Creator: W Thomas.
The Loan Collection of works of art at South Kensington Museum, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Mount Egmont, in the province of New Plymouth (Taranaki), North Island, New Zealand, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
The Shellfish Supplies: shellfish-catchers' cottage at Canty Bay, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Entrance to the Agricultural Hall from High-street, Islington, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Offices attached to the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Boulevard du Prince Eugène at Paris, by the Emperor, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Plan of the new Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1862. Creator: Unknown.
Election Day in New York: a polling-place among the "Upper Ten", 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Election Day in New York: a polling-place among the "Lower Twenty", 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from New York: a lager beer brewery at Guttenberg, on the Hudson River, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from New York: a Garten Wirthschaft, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Distribution of prizes at the Crystal Palace to the London Rifle Brigade on Saturday last, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Scene of the fire at Dockhead, Bermondsey, sketched on Saturday morning, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
New congregational church at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Monument on the battle-field of Magenta, erected by the people of Lombardy..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Laying the foundation-stone of the Brisbane Bridge, Queensland, New South Wales, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
The monument to the late Sir George Cornewall Lewis at New Radnor, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Peyton Falls, Alleghany County, Virginia, 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The late flood of the Arno at Florence – from a sketch by E. W. Cooke, R.A., 1864. Creator: Mason Jackson.