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'' Mr. J.S. Phillpotts., M.A., B.C.L. Headmaster Bedford Grammar School', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
'H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Examining Lord Shaftsbury before the Royal Commission...', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''The Late Sir Stephen Hill, C.B., K.C.M.G. 1809-1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Meeting of the Delegates to the Peace Congress at Rome', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Le palais du Parlement au Cap; Afrique Australe', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Robert Earl of Ailesbury; Obit 1685', 1811. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel; Obit 1646', 1811. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''George, Earl of Berkeley; Obit 1698', 1812. Creator: Richard Earlom.
''Arthur Lord Capel; beheaded 1648', 1815. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector; Obit 1658', 1813. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Richard Cromwell; born 1626, Obit 1712', 1811. Creator: Richard Earlom.
''Charles Stanley, 8th Earl of Derby; Obit 1672', 1812. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Sir Dudley Digges, Knight; Master of the Rolls; Obit 1639', 1813. Creator: Charles Turner.
''Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex; Obit 1540', 1811. Creators: John Bulfinch, Richard Earlom.
''Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax, General; Obit 1648', 1811. Creator: Unknown.
''Thomas, Lord Fairfax; Obit 1671', 1811. Creator: Richard Earlom.
''Lucius, Viscount Falkland; Obit 1643', 1811. Creator: Charles Turner.
''Charles Fleetwood, Lord Deputy, General for the Parliament; Obit 1669', 1811. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Ford, Lord Gray (Grey) of Warke', 1813. Creator: Charles Turner.
''John Hampden (Hamden); killed at the Battle of Charlgrove Field, Oxfordshire 1643', 1810. Creator: Charles Turner.
''Montague Bertie, Earl of Lindsey; Obit 1666', 1812. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Sir Thomas More; Natus 1482, beheaded 1535', 1811. Creator: Charles Turner.
''Henry Howard, Duke of Norfolk and hereditary Earl Marshal of England; Obit 1701', 1810. Creator: Charles Turner.
''James, Duke of Ormonde; Natus 1610 Obit 1688', 1815. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Admiral William Pen (Penn); one of Cromwells Admiral's', 1811 Creator: Charles Turner.
''Sir Thomas Pilkington, thrice Lord Mayor of London; Obit 1691', 1812. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Endymion Porter, attended Prince Charles in Spain', 1810. Creator: Richard Earlom.
''Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester; Obit 1711', 1815. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
'Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, Secretary of State and Lord Treasurer to King James I; Obit 1612. Creator: Richard Earlom.
''Sir Philip Stapleton', 1815. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Giles Strangeways; Obit 1675', 1811. Creator: Charles Turner.
''John Thurloe, Secretary of State to Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard; Obit 1668', 1813. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
''Sir Thomas Twisden, Baronet (1666), Justice of the Kings Bench until 1680; Obit 1682', 1812. Creator: Charles Turner.
''Sir Henry Vane; beheaded 1662', 1811. Creator: Unknown.
''Sir Christopher Yelverton, justice of the Kings Bench', 1811. Creator: Robert Dunkarton.
'Le changement de President en Chine; les funerailles de Yuan Chi Kai', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Le changement de President en Chine; le nouveau president, Li Yuen Hong', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Sir Wilfrid Laurier, homme d'Etat canadien, ancien premier ministre', 1914 (1916). Creator: Unknown.
'L'effort Canadien; Sir Robert Laird Borden, premier ministre canadien', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
'Le roi George V et M Poincare, Sur le front de la Somme', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Le roi George V et M Poincare, Sur le front de la Somme; Au Grand Quartier Britannique', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Les deux Grands Collaborateurs; M Lloyd George et M Aristide Briand', 1916. Creator: Jean Clair-Guyot.
'Visites de M Albert Thomas aux usines de guerre; l'Exposition lyonnaise', 1914 (1916). Creator: Unknown.
'Visites de M Albert Thomas aux usines de guerre', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'L'Heure de la Roumanie; M Jean Bratiano. President du Conseil des ministres de Roumanie', 1916. Creator: Julietta.
'M Aristide Briand et M Alexandre Lahovary, ministre de Roumanie a Paris', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'M Lloyd George, ministre de la Guerre britannique, a Verdun', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Un mouvement national a Salonique; Le capitaine grec Sarris annoncant la constitution', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Un mouvement national a Salonique; le colonel Zimbrakakis, chef du mouvement national', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Un mouvement national a Salonique; Les gendarmes de l'Entente', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Un mouvement national a Salonique; L'escadre franco-britannique au mouillage de Salamine', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Discours de M Briand, President du Conseil, a la Chambre des Deputes, le 19 septembre 1916', 191 Creator: Unknown.
'Verdun; Le President de la Republique a la forteresse de Verdun, le 13 septembre', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'M Poincare Hate son retour en France; Le President est recu a Stockholm par Gustave V', 1914. Creator: Malmstrom.
''Aux cris de "Vive la France !", sa voiture est escortee jusqu'a l'Elysee', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
'Les evenements de Grece; Une reunion des ministres de l'Entente a la Legation de France', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'A Berlin, la statue de Bismarck est un centre de ralliement pour la foule', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''A Berlin, La jeunesse des ecoles promene les portraits des deux kaisers', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''M Poincare Hate son retour en France; Rentrant A Paris, le President quitte la gare du Nord',1914 Creator: Unknown.
'Les evenements de Grece; M. Guillemin, ministre de France a Athenes, et les amiraux de..., 1916. Creator: S. Leonce.