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''The Belgium Anti-Slavery Society on the Congo; Signor Corona, Italian Consul on the Congo', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
''Old Fashioned Sporting Pictures, and the Road to Bygone Days; Sporting Anecdote--Fox Hunting versu Creator: Unknown.
' M. de Freycinet, qui presidait la Commission senatoriale de l'Armee avant d'entrer..., 1916. Creator: Henri Manuel.
'Dublin Apres L'Emeute; Le quartier qui a le plus souffert de l'incendie, a l'angle de..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Dublin Apres L'Emeute; Liberty Hall, quartier general des insurges, qui fut bombarde par..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Dublin Apres L'Emeute; Le porche du Post Office central, dans Sackville Street, vu de la..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
''The Lord Mayor Taking the Oath in the Court of the Lord Chief Justice', 1890. Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) - Protestant Fugitives"; after M Leloir.', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
''The Strike of Dock Labourers at Melbourne; "Freemen" Escaping in a boat from an attack of the Unio Creator: Unknown.
''The Late M Jules Grevy, 1807-1891. Ex-President of the French Republic', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Mr Gladstone Opening a New Hall at Port Sunlight, Cheshire', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Conference of the Women's Franchise League in Russell Square', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
'Guests at Balmoral', October 1946, (1947).  Creator: Unknown.
''Lord Randolph Churchill in South Africa', 1891 Creator: Unknown.
''The Late Sir Charles Forster, Bart, MP 1815 - 1891', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Lord Randolph Churchill in South Africa - Vryburg to Johannesberg by coach', 1891. Creator: G Durand.
''The Late Right Hon Henry Cecil Raikes, MP, Post-Master General', 1838-1891.', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Lord Randolph Churchill in South Africa: The Interior of the House of Commons, Pretoria', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
Jeremiah Donovan, Rep. from Connecticut, 1916.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Flag Day - Wilson Making Address in Rain. Lansing 2nd from Right, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of War, at Desk, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of War, 1913.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of War, 1914.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of War, 1914.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Rufus Hardy, Rep. from Texas, 1913.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Hawn, Miss Phoebe - Suffragette Hiker, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Hitchcock, Helen, Woman Suffragette, 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Italian Commission To U.S. ..., 23 May 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Japanese Mission To U.S. - Count Ishii And Sec. Lansing. Ambassador Sato..., 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Japanese Mission To U.S. - Ishii, Harts, Lansing, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Japanese Mission To U.S. - Ishii, Lansing, Harts, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Japanese Mission To U.S. at Union Station: Ishii; Harts; Lansing; Sato; William Philips, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Kansas City Bankers, Charles S. Keith; R.A. Long; J.B. White; Sen. W.J. Stone of Mo., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Kansas City Bankers, Charles S. Keith; R.A. Long; J.B. White; Sen. W.J. Stone of Mo., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, Left, with John W. Davis, 1917.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Lansing, Secretary of State..., 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, at Desk, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Lansing, US Secretary of State, greeting Balfour, British Commissionn, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
John Lind, Governor of Minnesota, 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
John Lind, Governor of Minnesota, 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
John Lind, Governor of Minnesota, in Carriage with Mrs. Lind, 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
John Lind, Governor of Minnesota, 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Francis Oscar Lindquist, Rep. from Michigan, 1914.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Breckinridge Long, 3rd Asst. US Secretary of State, with members of the French Commission, 1917.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Long, Breckenridge, 3rd Asst. Secretary of State, 1918. Long in Auto with 2 of The Fr. Commn., 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Mrs. James B. Longstreet with Sen. Vardaman, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Nicholas Longworth, Rep. from Ohio, 1915-1917.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lt. Col. Michailo Menadovitch, Serbian Army, Serbian Mission To U.S., 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Serbian Mission To U.S., 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Richard Lee Metcalfe, Civ. Gov. Canal Zone, with Min. Morales of Panama And Sec. Bryan, 1913.  Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Lioubomir Michailovitch, E.E. And M.P. from Serbia, Serbian Mission To U.S., 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
New Years Breakfasts, Pan American Union - John Barrett; Mrs. Knox; Secretary Knox, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
New Years Breakfasts, Pan American Union - Secretary Knox And Mrs. Knox, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
John Frost Nugent, Sen. from Idaho, 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
John Frost Nugent, Sen. from Idaho, 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Pan American Congress, 5th at Santiago, Chile - U.S. Delegation: Joseph R. Lamar; W.J..., 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Post Office Department - Auto Mail Transport, 'U.S. Service Courier': C.H. Claudy..., 1917 or 1918. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Press Correspondents with Secretary Lansing, 1916. Creator: Harris & Ewing.