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Silver Mug, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Silver Trencher Salt, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Silver Teapot, 1935/1942. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Silver Cream Pitcher, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Silver Tankard, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Silver Cup, 1935/1942. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Pewter Chalice, c. 1936. Creator: Eugene La Foret.
Waistcoat, c. 1936. Creator: Fanchon Larzelere.
Iron Shutter Fastener, c. 1936. Creator: James M. Lawson.
High Back Chair, c. 1937. Creators: James M. Lawson, Gordon Saltar.
Lamp, c. 1936. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Silver Gravy Spoon, c. 1936. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Silver Porringer, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Silver Tankard, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Silver Caster, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Silver Tankard, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Lamp, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Silver Creamer, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Lamp, 1935/1942. Creator: Joseph Leboit.
Coverlet, c. 1936. Creator: Jules Lefevere.
Pie Plate, 1935/1942. Creator: Jules Lefevere.
Pitcher, 1935/1942. Creator: Gertrude Lemberg.
Lamp with Shade, c. 1938. Creator: Gertrude Lemberg.
Candlestick, 1935/1942. Creator: Gertrude Lemberg.
Lamp, c. 1936. Creator: Gertrude Lemberg.
Petticoat, 1935/1942. Creator: Gertrude Lemberg.
Apron, 1935/1942. Creator: Gertrude Lemberg.
Cast Iron Gate, c. 1937. Creator: Albert J. Levone.
Armchair, c. 1936. Creator: Rolland Livingstone.
Side Chair, c. 1936. Creator: Rolland Livingstone.
Writing Armchair, c. 1940. Creator: Rolland Livingstone.
Writing Arm Chair, c. 1940. Creator: Rolland Livingstone.
Bishop Hill: Small Spoon, c. 1936. Creator: William Ludwig.
Whale Oil Lamp, c. 1938. Creator: Howard Lumbard.
Adjustable Candle Holder, c. 1939. Creator: Howard Lumbard.
Iron Bank Elephant, c. 1938. Creator: Z.S. Lupus.
Knitted Lace Edging, c. 1938. Creator: Frank J Mace.
Collar, 1935/1942. Creator: Russell Madole.
Silver Tankard, 1935/1942. Creator: Irene Malawicz.
Silver Coffee Pot, c. 1936. Creator: Irene Malawicz.
Whale Oil Lamp, 1935/1942. Creator: Irene Malawicz.
Waistcoat, c. 1937. Creator: Louis Maldarelli.
Waistcoat, c. 1937. Creator: Louis Maldarelli.
Egg Glass, c. 1936. Creator: Raymond Manupelli.
Wine Glass, 1935/1942. Creator: Raymond Manupelli.
Wafer Iron, 1936. Creator: Raymond Manupelli.
Lace Edging, c. 1942. Creator: Raymond Manupelli.
Black Lace Shawl, c. 1939. Creator: Raymond Manupelli.
Night Cap, c. 1938. Creator: Herbert Marsh.
Embroidered Yoke, c. 1939. Creator: Herbert Marsh.
Cotton Vestie, 1935/1942. Creator: Herbert Marsh.
Friendship Pin, c. 1937. Creator: Herbert Marsh.
Chair, 1935/1942. Creator: Herbert Marsh.
Hoopskirt Chair, c. 1936. Creator: Kurt Melzer.
Andirons, c. 1937. Creator: Henry Meyers.
Hurricane Shade and Candlestick, c. 1937. Creator: Henry Meyers.
Pewter Tankard, c. 1936. Creator: Henry Meyers.
Pewter Chalice, c. 1937. Creator: Henry Meyers.
Pewter Mug, c. 1936. Creator: Henry Meyers.
Small Pewter Spoon, c. 1936. Creator: Henry Meyers.