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Figured Capital with Bull's Head, about A.D. 180. Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Mosaic Floor with Bear Hunt, 4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic Floor with Animals (7), about A.D. 400. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic Floor with Achilles and Briseis, A.D. 100-300. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic Floor with Head of Medusa, about A.D. 115-150. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic of a Lion Chasing a Bull, 5th-6th century. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic of a Horse with Saddle, 5th-6th century. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic of a Rabbit, 5th-6th century. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic of a Lion Attacking an Onager, A.D. 150-200. Creator: Unknown.
Skyphos, 50-25 B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Skyphos, 50-25 B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Lead-Glazed Skyphos, 50 B.C.-A.D. 50. Creator: Unknown.
Skyphos, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Cameo Glass Skyphos, 25 B.C.-A.D. 25. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Fragment with a Theater Mask, 1st century B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp (comprised of 2 Joined Fragments), 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp Fragment (Handle Ornament), 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Doll, late 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Doll, late 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Astragalos, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Attachment, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Link from a Coin Belt, A.D. 379-395. Creator: Unknown.
Candelabrum, A.D. 1-79. Creator: Unknown.
Handle Formed as the Figure of a Tritoness over a Triton Mask, late 1st cent B.C.-early 1st cent A.D Creator: Unknown.
Handle Attachment Plate, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Stamp with Inscription, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 150-50 B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century B.C.-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century B.C.-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 4th century B.C.-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century B.C.-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Medallion from a Lamp, 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Double-spouted Hanging Lamp with the Figure of a Comic Actor, 125-100 B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp in the Form of a Comic Mask, A.D. 75-125. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Oil Lamp with a Representation of the Port of Alexandria, A.D. 175-230. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp with Mask overlaid with gold foil, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, late 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp and Stand, 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, second half of 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, second half of 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp in the Form of a Reclining Comic Actor, 2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 5th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Lamp, 1st century B.C.-4th century A.D. Creator: Unknown.