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Dearest I Love Thee (valentine), 1840/50. Creator: Unknown.
Dearest Thee I Do Love (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Dearest, I Love Thee (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Dearest, My Every Dream of Bliss (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Devoted Love (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Faithful to Thee (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
First Love (Valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Fly to the Youth (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
For Ever Thine (Valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Forever Thine Love (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Forget Me Not (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Forget Me Not (valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Forget Me Not Dear Valentine (valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Forget Me Not! (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Fragrant is the Air and Wooing (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
From a Friend (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
From the Ballast Pond, 1822. Creator: Unknown.
Give Me Thy Heart Just as It Is (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Haste From My Lattice, Letter Fly! (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Heart and Hope with Love Entwining (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Hymen's Temple (valentine), c. 1843. Creator: Unknown.
I Love Thee Dearly (Valentine), 1855/59. Creator: Unknown.
I Will Ever Think of Thee (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
I'm Thine, Only Thine (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
In Joy and Sorrow Think of Me (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Language Did Have Yet (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Language Did Have Yet (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Love (Valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Love, Truth, Constancy, Fidelity (Valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Love's Strategem (Valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Map of Rome, 1538, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.
Map of the Mercator Projection, 1595, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.
Maps: Projections, 1540/1552, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.
My Heart is in Thy Keeping (Valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
My Hearts Best Love (Valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
My Love, Vain Are Words (Valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Naught on Earth So Dear to Me (valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
No Wish within this Heart of Mine (valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Oh Woman, Dear Woman (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Oh! Tis True Indeed I would Taste of the Lip (valentine), n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Pine Not Thus My Sister Dear (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Lord Cornwallis, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Prima Europe Tabula: Ptolemaeus Romae 1490, 1490, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.
Quarta Europe Tabula: Ptolemaeus Romae 1490, 1490, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.
Reclining on a Roseate Knoll (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Return of Happiness (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Say Shall I Conquer (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Search Through the World (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Should You be Called Where Canons Roar (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Silent Love (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches of Fishermen and Children at Hastings, 1866. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches of Peasants in Boulogne, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
So Fondly Beats this Heart for Thee (valentine), c. 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Subdued by your Superior Charms (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Subdued by Your Superior Charms (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Sweet is the Breath of Early Morn (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Sweet is the Dream Divinely Sweet (valentine), c. 1840. Creator: Unknown.
Sweetly Breaths the Vernal Spring (valentine), c. 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Tabula Moderna Indiae, 1513, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.
Tabula Moderna Prime Partis Aphricae, 1513, reprinted 1889. Creator: Unknown.