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180pages, 10,766 results in yourCategorysearch for"Politicians"Advanced Search
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' Le Nouveau Regime; M.Michel Rodzianko, president de la Douma, qui presida d'abord..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
' Le Nouveau Regime; Le prince Lvof, president du gouvernement provisoire, apre..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
' Le Nouveau Regime; M.Paul Milioukof, chef des Cadets, ministre des Affaires etrangeres', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
' Le Nouveau Regime; M.Alexandre Kerenski, chef du parti travailliste, ministre de la Justice',1917. Creator: Unknown.
' Le Nouveau Regime; M. Nicolas Tcheidze, depute de Tiflis, president du Comité des..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
' Le Nouveau Regime; Catherine Brechkovsky, la <<grand'mere de la Revolution>> rentrée..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
' Le Nouveau Regime; Le grande-duc Cyrille, qui se mit a la disposition de la Douma...1917 Creator: Unknown.
'Au Palais de Tauride; Le bureau du Conseil des delegues ouvriers et soldats, pendant..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'L'appoint militaire du Portugal; M.Bernardino Machado, president de la republique portugaise...1917 Creator: Joshua Benoliel.
'Nos Grands Chefs; Le general Lyautey, ministre de la guerre', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Nos Grands Chefs; Le general Petain', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La Mission Joffre-Viviani en Amerique; Arrivee, sur le ponton d'embarquement, le 18 avril 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La Mission Joffre-Viviani en Amerique; Sur la vedette de l'amiral Le Bris conduisant le...1917. Creator: Unknown.
'La Mission Joffre-Viviani en Amerique; Sur la Lorraine: de gauche a droite, au fond, le..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'L'Arrivee du General Pershing; A Paris: le general Pershing et M. Painleve, ministre de la..., 1917 Creator: Unknown.
'La Visite de Pershing a La Fayette; Le general, devant la tombe de La Fayette: a sa droite..., 1917 Creator: Unknown.
'La Preparation a la Guerre aux Etats-Unis; Les paroles d'un grand Americain: prononcant..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; A bord du cuirasse <<Bruix>>: M.Jonnart en conference..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Le 27 juin, venant de Salonique, M.Venizelos, vetu de blanc, vu de dos, a  Creator: Unknown.
'Les Soubresauts de la Russie; Au retour d'un voyage de propagande en Russie, le ministre..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Soubresauts de la Russie; Avant l'offensive russe de juillet 1917: des troupes defilent...1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Soubresauts de la Russie; Kerensky, au cours d'une revue sur le front, repond aux..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
Clemenceau; M.Georges Clemenceau, head of the French government, .., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Bolshevik Coup in Russia; Kerensky at the time of his fall, 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Bolshevik Coup in Russia; Oulianov known as Lenin, 1917. Creator: Unknown.
In Soviet Russia; One of the men of the hour: Trotsky, Commissioner for Foreign Affairs,1917 Creator: Unknown.
In Soviet Russia; Mme Kolontai, Minister of Public Assistance in the Maximalist Cabinet..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Visit to India: the Prince of Wales and the Governor of Goa..., 1875, (1876). Creator: L.B..
Landing of the Prince of Wales at Colombo: the Governor introducing Cinghalese..., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The War in the Herzegovina: Council of War at Peco Pavlovitch's Camp, from a sketch by..., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Lord Mayo at Calcutta, unveiled by the Prince of Wales on New Year's Day, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Mr. Wynn Ellis, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Layard presenting to the Prince of Wales the address of the Municipal Council..., 1876. Creator: C. R..
Reception of the Prince at Kandy, Ceylon, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales knighting the Right Hon. W. H. Gregory..., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lord Harlech, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Earl Stanhope, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lord Gerard, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Earl of Erne, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Marquis of Abergavenny, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Earl of Wharncliffe, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Mr. Sotheron Estcourt, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Viscount Amberley, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lord Tollemache of Helmingham, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lord Alington, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Earl of Aberdeen, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. M. W. Ridley, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Mulholland, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Queen Opening Parliament: Procession in the Peers' Corridor, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Francis Deak, the Hungarian Patriot, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lord Lytton, the new Viceroy of India, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The late Viscount Galway, M.P., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Major-General the Hon. Sir Henry Ramsay, C.B., K.C.S.I., Commissioner of Kumaon, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Return of the Prince of Wales from India: the Governor of Bombay...on board the Serapis...1876. Creator: Unknown.
American Sketches: scene in the Rotunda, Washington, 1876. Creator: Felix Elie Regamey.
Mr. R. H. Dana, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Lieutenant Cameron's Sketches in Central Africa: Kasongo's Levee, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The American Centennial Festival Exhibition at Philadelphia: the Hon. J. R. Hawley...1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at landing at Gibraltar, from a sketch by our special artist, 1876. Creator: C.R..
The late Lord Lyttelton, 1876. Creator: Unknown.