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'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Tchecoslovaque; L'entrée a Prague du president Mazaryk..., 1918. Creator: Pragaphot.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; Liebknecht harangue la foule massee "Sous...',1918. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe;la guerre civile a Berlin; Ebert prononce une allocutiondevant une..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; les elections Allemandes; Rosa Luxembourg qui fut massacree par son..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Premiere séance solennelle de l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; le bolchevisme en Hongrie; une premiere tentative communiste a Budapest...,1919 Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le gouvernement bolcheviste..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le "directoire" bolcheviste..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; A Budapest, devant le monument du Millenaire.., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Le general Pilsudski, qui chassa les Allemands...,1918 Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; M Ignace Paderewski appele aux fonctions..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Le general Pilsudski revenant de sa captivite... Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Sir John Malcolm, in Westminster Abbey, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of the Earl of Chatham, in St. Stephen's Hall. MacDowell, sculptor, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Charles James Fox, in St. Stephen's Hall. Baily, sculptor, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Ferouk Khan, the Persian Ambassador to the Emperor of the French, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
'A la conference economique des allies; M. Clementel, ministre du Commerce..., 1916. Creator: Jean Clair-Guyot.
''A la conference economique des allies; M. Hughes, premier ministre d'Australie', 1916. Creator: Manuel.
''M. Lloyd George', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Nouveau Ministere en Italie; La crise ministerielle en Italie. M. Boselli revenant de Villa...,1916 Creator: Unknown.
'Nouveau Ministere en Italie; La crise ministerielle en Italie. M. Bissolati, le leader..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
''La capitulation Bulgare; le ministre des Finances, M. Liaptchef, sortant de la maison ou..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
''L'Allemagne Revolutionnaire; Kurt Eisner, chef de la Republique bavaroise', 1918. Creator: Unknown.
''L'Allemagne Revolutionnaire; Le chancelier socialiste allemand Friedrich Ebert porte..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
''L'Allemagne Revolutionnaire; Le Directoire de Berlin', 1918. Creator: Unknown.
''La Capitulation Allemande; Le secretaire d'Etat Erzberger, president de la delegation..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
''L'Apotheose du Droit; M. Clemenceau a la tribune de la Chambre, le 11 novembre 1918..., 1918. Creator: J Simont.
''La Fin de Trois Empires; Dans la Russie des Soviets..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
The new Solicitor-General, the Right Hon. Mr. Stuart Wortley, M.P. for Bute, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The War with China - Mr. Consul Parkes bidding Adieu to the Old Co-Hong Mandarins, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Debate in the House of Commons on the China Question - the Opposition Tellers..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Speaker of the House of Commons' Levee, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Banquet to Her Majesty's Ministers at the Mansion House, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Inauguration of Mr. Buchanan, as President of the United States, at Washington, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in the Persian Gulf - the Hon. Mr. Murray and his suite - from a photograph, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in the Persian Gulf - Persian Mission Officials - from a photograph, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Persian Diplomat; Commander-in-Chief of the Shah's Army on the Southern Coast..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in the Persian Gulf - Courtyard of the British Residency, Bushire...1857. Creator: Unknown.
Scenes from the Elections - drawn by George Thomas, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The City of London Election in Guildhall: Lord John Russell, M.P., returning thanks, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Finsbury Election: the Hustings on Clerkenwell-Green: the Nominations, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Lambeth Election: the Hustings at Kennington, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Middlesex Election - Mr. Sheriff Mechi, one of the Returning Officers, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Nawab's Durbar and Reception of the English Resident at Morshedabad, 1857. Creator: Frederick John Skill.
Reception of the Siamese Ambassadors, with Presents, by Her Majesty, at Windsor Castle, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Siamese Ambassadors - from photographs by Mayall, 1857. Creator: Smyth.
Members of the House of Commons Taking the Oaths, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Division Lobby, House of Commons: Taking the Votes, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
'Sir Henry James (Afterwards Lord James of Hereford)', c1900. Creator: Unknown.
'Mr. Speaker Gully', c1900. Creators: Bassano Studio, William Court Gully.
'Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne Cecil, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury', c1900. Creator: Elsden.
'The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain', c1900. Creator: Gunn & Stuart.
'The Armenian Atrocities: Mr. Gladstone Denouncing The Sultan at the Meeting in Liverpool', c1900. Creator: Unknown.