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The motor launch 'Cygnet' under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The motor launch 'Cygnet' under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The motor launch 'My Lady Nancy' under way, 1921. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The motor launch 'Cygnet' under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Wolseley hydroplane, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The motor launch 'Cygnet' under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The motor launch 'Cygnet' under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The hydroplane 'Angela II', 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The hydroplane 'Angela II', 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham cabin cruiser, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham cabin cruiser, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham cabin cruiser, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Bona's motor launch under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Bona's motor launch under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Bona's motor launch under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham cabin cruiser internal view, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham cabin cruiser internal view, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham motor launch, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham motor launch, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The Royal Thames Yacht Club's motor launch 'Salee Rover', 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham launch, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham launch on slipway, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Motor boat 'Hubble-Bubble' and mariners, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The Royal Thames Yacht Club's motor launch 'Salee Rover', 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The Royal Thames Yacht Club's motor launch 'Salee Rover', 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The Royal Thames Yacht Club's motor launch 'Salee Rover', 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
A 45 ft Wolseley cabin launch. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Wolseley hydroplane, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Wolseley hydroplane, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Wolseley hydroplane, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Wolseley hydroplane, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Wolseley hydroplane, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Saunders' motor launch under way, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Saunders' motor launch on slipway, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Saunders' motor launch on slipway, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The cutter 'Cymberline' under way by motor. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 18-foot keelboat 'Prudence' (K2) under sail, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The steam yacht 'Claymore II' under way, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
A steam yacht underway, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Steam yacht Branwen's Hull, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The cutter 'Cymberline' under way by motor. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 18-foot keelboat 'Prudence' (K2) with prize flags, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 18-foot keelboat 'Prudence' (K2) under sail, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 18-foot keelboat 'Prudence' (K2) with prize flags, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The ketch 'Apache' under sail, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The yawl 'Colleen' under way, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre 'Marsinah' (K1) sailing with spinnaker, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre class 'Anitra' (K4) and 'Ginevra' (K7) race downwind, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre class 'Endrick', 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre class 'Anitra' (K4) and 'Ginevra' (K7) race downwind, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 380 ton A Class schooner 'Margherita' reaching, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The beautiful schooner 'Meteor IV', 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The schooner 'Sylvana' at anchor. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 380 ton A Class schooner 'Margherita' sailing close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The handsome racing schooner 'Waterwitch', 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The handsome racing schooner 'Waterwitch', 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The schooner 'Astria' sailing close-hauled. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 380 ton A Class schooner 'Margherita' sailing on a reach, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 380 ton A Class schooner 'Margherita' sailing close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 380 ton A Class schooner 'Margherita' sailing close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.