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The 19-metres class 'Octavia', 'Norada', 'Corona' & 'Mariquita' racing at Cowes, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The One-Design Solent Sunbeams 'Joy', 'Mayfly', 'Wimsey' and 'Sally' racing, 1927. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 23 Metre 'Candida' sailing close-hauled, 1935. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The majestic 15 Metre class 'Pamela' sailing with spinnaker, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 15 Metre class 'Pamela' sailing close to the wind, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 15 Metre class 'Pamela' sailing close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 15 Metre sailing yacht 'Pamela' searching for wind, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 15 Metre sailng yachts 'Thanet' and 'Cestrian' race close-hauled, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'Ventana' (H11) an early 8 Metre class yacht sails close-hauled, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The yawl 'Joyce' sailing in good wind, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 8 Metre 'Ierne' (H17) sailing close-hauled, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 8 metre 'Garraveen' (H7), sailing close-hauled, 1914 Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 8 Metre 'Ventana' (H11) sailing close-hauled, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre 'Anitra' (K4) sailing close-hauled, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre yacht Strathendrick (K5), 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre yacht Strathendrick (K5), 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The dismasted sailing yacht 'Clio' is attended to by rescue boats, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'The Truant' sailing close-hauled, July 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The sailing yacht 'The Truant', July 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'Istria' moored with dressing flags, 1912.  Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'Istria' moored with dressing flags, 1912.  Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre class 'Sans-Souci' sailing upwind. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre class 'Nurdug III' sailing upwind, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre class 'Nurdug III' sailing upwind, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre class 'Nurdug III' sailing upwind, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre class 'Mosquito' sailing close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre Class 'The Whim' running downwind, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre Class 'The Whim' sailing downwind, 1912. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The motor yacht 'Silver Cloud' under way, 1920. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Magnificent group of 1st Class Races: 'Shamrock V', 'White Heather' and 'Candida', 1930.  Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mitcham launch, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Group of racing Redwing keelboats, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Group of racing Redwing keelboats, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The gaff rigged cutter 'Bloodhound' sailing close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The gaff rigged cutter 'Bloodhound' sailing downwind under spinnaker, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 105 ft ketch 'Thendara' sailing upwind. 1939. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Sailing yacht 'Trivia' running downwind under spinnaker, 1939. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The US built 12 Metre racing yacht 'Vim', 1939. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 147 ton ketch 'Thendara' sailing upwind. 1939. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'Trivia', a 12 Metre class yacht sails close-hauled, 1939. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre yacht 'Pinaster' (K8) sailing with spinnaker, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre yacht Strathendrick (K5) sailing with spinnaker, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 7 Metre yacht Strathendrick (K5) sailing with spinnaker, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre 'Amethyst' sails close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre 'Womba II' running downwind, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre 'Womba II', 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre 'Scotia IV' sailing upwind on a fine day, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'Scotia IV' running downwind with spinnaker, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre 'Amethyst' sails close-hauled, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The Yarmouth One Design 'Greywing', 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 6 Metre 'Scotia IV' heeling on upwind leg, 1913. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Mr Young's Boat, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 18-foot keelboat 'Vanity' (K5), 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 18-foot keelboats 'Vanity' (K5) and 'Prudence' (K2) racing, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 40-rater cutter 'Carina' at anchor with flags, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 40-rater cutter 'Carina' at anchor with flags, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 40-rater cutter 'Carina' sailing close-hauled, 1911. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 118 foot ketch 'Fidra' at anchor, 1922. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 15 Metre 'Istria' sailing close-hauled, 1913.  Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The 15 Metre 'Istria' sailing close-hauled, 1913.  Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.