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FA Cup Final, Wembley Stadium, London, 1925. Artist: Aerofilms.
'An Encampment with Soldiers Playing Cards', c1660. Artist: Lambert de Hondt.
Temple Island, Remenham, Berkshire, 1878. Artist: Henry Taunt.
'The Departure of a Hawking Party', c1650s. Creator: Philip Wouverman.
'Peasants Playing Bowls in front of an Inn by a River', 17th century. Artist: David Teniers II.
FA Cup Final, Wembley Stadium, London, 1926. Artist: Aerofilms.
'The Return from the Chase', c1650s. Creator: Philip Wouverman.
'Cabanas on Rest Beach, Key West, Florida', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Fishing in a Punt', 1820, (1929). Artist: John Heaviside Clark.
'Hunters at Covertside', early 19th century, (1929). Artist: James Pollard.
'Stage Coach', c1825, (1929). Artist: George Hunt.
'Velocipede, Winner of the St. Leger, 1828', c1828, (1929). Artists: Edward Duncan, J Webb.
'Roadsters, New London Union Coach', c1840, (1929). Artist: Charles Hunt.
'Sir Joshua Beating Filho Da Puta at Newmarket', c1816, (1929). Artist: Frederick Rosenberg.
'Epsom Races - The Betting Post', 1836, (1929). Artist: Charles Hunt.
'Heaton Park Races', 1835, (1929). Artist: Richard Reeve.
'J the Jolly', 1903. Artist: John Hassall.
'A Village Fair', 1942. Artist: Joseph Parry.
'A Roman Mosaic at Lyons, Representing the Circus Games', 1942. Artist: F. Artaud.
'An Eighteenth-Century Riding School, Showing the Transition to the Circus Ring', 1942. Artist: Unknown.
'The Burning of Moscow: 'A Grand Military and Equestrian Spectacle', 1942. Artist: Unknown.
'Arena of Astley's Amphitheatre, Westminster Bridge Road', 1942. Artist: Unknown.
'Mazeppa', 1942. Artist: Unknown.
'Scenes in Harlequin Red-Riding-Hood', 1942. Artist: Unknown.
'Bartholomew Fair: From the Outside', 1942. Artists: Thomas Rowlandson, Augustus Charles Pugin.
'Cooke's Royal Equestrian Circus', 1942. Artist: Unknown.
'Bartholomew Fair: From the Inside', 1942. Artist: R. Cruikshank.
'The Bibury Meeting', early 19th century, (1922). Artist: C Turner.
'The Darley Arabian', c1720, (1922). Artist: Unknown.
'Brood Mares and Foals', late 18th century, (1922). Artist: George Townley Stubbs.
Now, Contract, Says Dick, By Jove Those D--d Quornites Shall Now See The Trick, 1790, (1922). Artist: Francis Jukes.
'The Village Hunt', c1800, (1922). Artist: Thomas Rowlandson.
Full Cry - And A Fall', c1790, (1922). Artist: George Morland.
'Plate V: Grand Leicestershire Steeplechase, 1829', 1830, (1922). Artist: Charles Bentley.
'Over the Stream', c1800, (1922). Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Confound This Pinfold!', c1860, (1922). Artist: Hablot Knight Browne.
'Ware Washing!', c1860, (1922). Artist: Hablot Knight Browne.
'Renard the Fox', c1800, (1922). Artist: Philip Reinagle.
'A Good Shot!', c1820, (1922). Artist: Abraham Cooper.
'The St. Leger of 1828', c1829, (1922). Creator: John Frederick Herring I.
'A group of women talking', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'A group of gentlemen walking', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Study of a Woman', 1937. Artist: Aristide Maillol.
'End of the Tournament at Bruges, March 11, 1392', c15th century, (1937). Artist: Emile- Aurele Van Moe.
'End of the Tournament at Bruges, March 11, 1392', c15th century, (1937).  Artist: Emile- Aurele Van Moe.
'Swimming Pool, Hotel Del Prado, Barranquilla', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Municipal Stadium, Barranquilla', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Municipal Swimming Pool, Barranquilla', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Olympic Swimming Pool, Barranquilla', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
La Magdalena Bull Ring, Barranquilla', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Beach at Sabanilla Resort Development', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Beach at Pradomar. 20 minutes from Barranquilla', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Pradomar Hotel. Beach Club and Land Development', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'One more attraction for tourists', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Carnival. The Carnival Season in Barranquilla is famous along the Caribbean coast', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Barranquilla (Colombia)', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Park Central Hotel - On the Ocean, Miami Beach', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Jai Alai Fronton - Tampa, Florida', c1940s. Artist: Unknown.
'Going To Cover', c1810, (1922). Artist: Samuel Howitt.
'Shooting Plover', late 17th century, (1922). Artist: Francis Barlow.