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Enfield-Allday of J Chance, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1921. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Horstman of TL Edwards, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1921. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Coventry-Premier of AJ Dixon, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1921. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Charron-Laycock of WF Milward, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1921. Artist: Bill Brunell.
ABC of Eric Gordon England, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1921. Artist: Bill Brunell.
ABC of Eric Gordon England, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1921. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Bugatti Brescia of Leon Cushman, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Talbot-Darracq of Jean Chassagne, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Salmson and two GNs, JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Talbot-Darracq at the JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Three Talbot-Darracqs at the JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Enfield-Allday of AC Bertelli at the JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Enfield-Allday of AC Bertelli at the JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Enfield-Allday of Woolf Barnato at the JCC 200 Mile Race, Brooklands, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Wolseley 2-seater of A Smith taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
DFP 10-12 hp of JC Douglas taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Charron-Laycock of T Shaw taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Wolseley 2-seater of A Smith taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Charron-Laycock open 4-seater of WF Milward taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Wolseley 2-seater of LA Illston taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Talbot of HG Day and Salmson of Armand Bovier taking part in the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Salmson open sports 2-seater of Armand Bovier at the Scottish Light Car Trial, 1922. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Mr Cummings of Essex Motor Club. Artist: Bill Brunell.
'Christmas Packings Help Yourself - With Pleasure', 1934, (1934). Artist: Unknown.
'Embroidered Picture, Mid-17th Century', (1929). Artist: Unknown.
'John Rothenstein, Esq.', 1926. Artist: William Rothenstein.
'Copper Engraving by Rafael Schiamirossi, illustrating The Lunge', 1610, (1936). Artist: Rafael Schiamirossi.
'Age', c1913. Artist: Charles JS Makin.
'Archers', c1887, (1901). Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'A Sunny Stroll', c1887, (1901). Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'The Promenade', c1498, (1906). Artist: Albrecht Durer.
Standard Nine at the Standard Car Owners Club Southern Counties Trial, Hale Wood, Chilterns, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Vauxhall Cadet at the Standard Car Owners Club Southern Counties Trial, Hale Wood, Chilterns, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Standard Twelve at the Standard Car Owners Club Southern Counties Trial, Hale Wood, Chilterns, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Standard Flying Twelve at the Standard Car Owners Club Southern Counties Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1929 Crossley competing in the JCC Inter-Centre Rally, 1932. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Morris Oxford and 1929 Crossley at the JCC Inter-Centre Rally, 1932. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Invicta S Type Red Gauntlet of D Monro at the Bugatti Owners Club Lewes Speed Trials, Sussex, 1937. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Invicta S Type Red Gauntlet of D Monro at the Bugatti Owners Club Lewes Speed Trials, Sussex, 1937. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Bugatti Type 23 of LJ Smyth competing at the Bugatti Owners Club Lewes Speed Trials, Sussex, 1937. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Frazer-Nash BMW 328 of EN Leon at the Bugatti Owners Club Lewes Speed Trials, Sussex, 1937. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Invicta of HJ Broadbent competing at the Bugatti Owners Club Lewes Speed Trials, Sussex, 1937. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Atalanta of GAT Weldon competing at the Bugatti Owners Club Lewes Speed Trials, Sussex, 1937. Artist: Bill Brunell.
MG PB of K Scales getting a push during the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
MG PA of J Twyford at the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
MG PA of J Twyford competing in the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Austin 7 Grasshopper of TH Cole competing in the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
MG PB of K Scales competing in the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
MG PB of K Scales competing in the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
MG TA of WH Depper competing in the MG Car Club Midland Centre Trial, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1935 MG Magnette competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
972 cc Singer competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1935 1496 cc Singer competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1935 972 cc Singer competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1932 Aston Martin competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1935 Singer 9 fixed-head coupe competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
1936 Talbot 10 saloon competing in the Great West Motor Club Thatcher Trophy, 1938. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Ford Model B of K Hutchison competing in the Sunbac Colmore Trial, Gloucestershire, 1933. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Ford V8 2-seater and dickey of JB Thompson competing in the MCC Sporting Trial, 1935. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Standard saloon of GA Wooding competing in the MCC Sporting Trial, 1935. Artist: Bill Brunell.