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469pages, 28,140 results in yourCategorysearch for"Sport & Pastimes"Advanced Search
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The Horse Race, 1829. Creator: Josephus Jodocus Moerenhout.
Sunday Morning, 1865-1868. Creator: Hendrick Jacobus Scholten.
The Avenue of Birches, 1660-1685. Creator: Jan Hackaert.
Hunters in the Woods, 1660-1685. Creator: Jan Hackaert.
Ice-Skating in a Village, c.1610. Creator: Hendrick Avercamp.
Diana and Her Nymphs Hunting, c.1685. Creator: Abraham Genoels II.
Merry Company, 1740-1760. Creator: Jan Josef Horemans I.
Putti Playing, 1700-1720. Creator: Hendrik van Limborch.
Italian Harbor, 1650-1674. Creator: Johannes Lingelbach.
Italian Harbor with a Fortified Tower, 1664. Creator: Johannes Lingelbach.
The Riding School, 1650-1674. Creator: Johannes Lingelbach.
Winter Landscape near a Town with Kolf Players, c.1658-c.1660. Creator: Aert van der Neer.
Travellers at Rest, 1671. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade.
The Egg Dance, 1552. Creator: Pieter Aertsen.
A Weaver's Workshop, 1652. Creator: Johannes Dircksz. van Oudenrogge.
Bathing Men, after c.1646. Creator: Cornelis van Poelenburgh.
Bathing Girls, after c.1646. Creator: Cornelis van Poelenburgh.
Bear Hunt, 1649. Creator: Paulus Potter.
The Smoker: Allegory of Transience, c.1615-c.1625. Creator: Hendrick van Somer.
'Every one his fancy', 1670-1675. Creator: Godfried Schalcken.
'Differing tastes', 1685-1690. Creator: Godfried Schalcken.
The Smoker (A Man with a Pipe and a Man Pouring a Beverage into a Glass), 1690-1706. Creator: Godfried Schalcken.
Prince’s Day, 1660-1679. Creator: Jan Steen.
The hunting party, 1649. Creator: Dirck Stoop.
Guardroom, c.1740. Creator: Jacques Ignatius de Roore.
Mason Smoking with Companions in a Tavern, c.1675. Creator: David Teniers II.
The Riding School, c.1658-c.1660. Creator: Philip Wouverman.
The Stag Hunt, c.1655-1656. Creator: Philip Wouverman.
The Falcon Hunt, c.1658-c.1660. Creator: Philip Wouverman.
Hunting Party at a Fountain, 1660-1682. Creator: Pieter Wouwerman.
Country Inn, 1660-1702. Creator: Richard Brakenburgh.
A Musical Company, 1730-1757. Creator: Melchior Brassauw.
Two Men at Cards Outside a Country Inn, c.1650. Creator: Vincent Malo.
Interior with Two Men by the Fireside, 1664. Creator: Gerritsz Quiringh van Brekelenkam.
The Mousetrap, 1660. Creator: Gerritsz Quiringh van Brekelenkam.
The Angler, 1700-1738. Creator: Carel de Moor.
Card Fight outside a Country Tavern, c.1628-c.1630. Creator: Adriaen Brouwer.
The Blauwpoort in Leiden in the Winter, c.1635-c.1665. Creator: Abraham Beerstraten.
The Card Game on the Cradle: Allegory, 1643-1683. Creator: Johannes van Wijckersloot.
The Hunter, 1653. Creator: Adriaen Cornelisz Beeldemaker.
Portrait of Magdalena van Citters, Wife of Adriaen Isaac Hurgronje, c.1760. Creator: Anon.
Men Playing Cards in a Tavern, c.1660-c.1680. Creator: Daniel Boone.
Jonkheer Gysbert Carel Rutger Reinier van Brienen van Ramerus...with his Wife and...Children, 1804.  Creator: Adriaan De Lelie.
A Painter Smoking a Pipe, 1630-1640. Creator: Unknown.
Ice Skaters, 1625. Creator: Adriaen van de Venne.
Interior with Gamblers and Drinkers, c.1620-c.1625. Creator: Anon.
A Bird Hunter on a Riverbank, c.1625-c.1630. Creator: Arent Arentsz.
Girl Knitting, 1885-1886. Creator: Bernardus Johannes Blommers.
The Fête champêtre, 1627. Creator: Dirck Hals.
Hunters Resting, c.1650-c.1655. Creator: Dirck Stoop.
An Inn with Backgammon Players, 1669. Creator: Egbert van Heemskerck I.
An open-air Party, 1615. Creator: Esaias van de Velde.
A Summer Afternoon, 1880-1890. Creator: Frits Jansen.
Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters, c.1608. Creator: Hendrick Avercamp.
Landscape with Hunters, 1660-1687. Creator: Jacob Esselens.
The bowlers, 1658-1700. Creator: Unknown.
Turkish Women in the Countryside near Istanbul, c.1720-c.1737. Creator: Jean Baptiste Vanmour.
Ladies’ Outing at Hünkâr Iskelesi along the Bosporus, c.1720-c.1737. Creator: Jean Baptiste Vanmour.
Greek Men and Women Dancing the Khorra, c.1720-c.1737. Creator: Jean Baptiste Vanmour.
Party of Armenians Playing Cards, c.1720-c.1737. Creator: Jean Baptiste Vanmour.