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A scene at the swimming dock, Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
A scene at the swimming dock, Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Shallow swimming pool for learners at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Boating on the lake at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Planning a day's activity at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Planning a day's activity at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
The camp mascot at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Launching a canoe at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
A camper helping with the kitchen work at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
A camper returning a boat to the dock at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Campers helping with the kitchen work at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Campers helping with the kitchen work at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
The view from the bridge at Camp Gaylord White and Ellen Marvin, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Bridge and background scenery, Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Fishing at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Fishing at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
The lake and swimming activities at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
The town crier, Danny Poocchiari., Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
The town crier, Danny Poocchiari., Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
"Aw nuts", Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Milton Reiner, program director at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Milton Reiner, program director at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Milton Reiner, program director at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Campers helping with the kitchen work at Camp Gaylord White, Arden, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Possibly: Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Possibly: Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Possibly: Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Possibly: Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Boys playing leap frog near the project, Frederick Douglass housing project, Anacostia, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Singing around the camp fire at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Tent mates at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
First aid at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Dinner bell, Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Comic papers, Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
"Soap's in my eyes", Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
The boardinghouse reach at Camp Nathan Hale, Southfields, New York, 1943 Creator: Gordon Parks.
Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, 1943. Creator: Gordon Parks.
The Pleasant Game of the Goose (Il Dilettevole..., After 1640 (probably printed later 17th century). Creator: Anon.
Billiards, after 1803., after 1803. Creator: Anon.
La Victoire from Playing Cards (for Quartets) 'Costumes des Peuples Étrangers', 1700-..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Hab.t de l'Autriche from Playing Cards (for Quartets) 'Costumes des Peuples Étrangers..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Hab.t de la Corse from Playing Cards (for Quartets) 'Costumes des Peuples Étrangers',..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Hab.t de la Russie from Playing Cards (for Quartets) 'Costumes des Peuples Étrangers'..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Hab.t de la Laponie from Playing Cards (for Quartets) 'Costumes des Peuples Étrangers..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
Sheet of Rebuses with Birds with Human Heads, ca. 1834., ca. 1834. Creator: Anon.
[Two Stags and Roe Buck], ca. 1858. Creator: Horatio Ross.
[Peel Ross with Hunting Trophies], ca. 1856-1859. Creator: Horatio Ross.
A Game at Chess, 1780. Creator: James Bretherton.
''A Curious Specimen of Instantaneous Photography', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''An obstacle race in canoes, near Auckland, New Zealand', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday July 21st. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Last Meeting of the National Rifle Association at Wimbledon', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Last Meeting of the National Rifle Association at Wimbledon', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Lawn Tennis Championship Match at Wimbledon', 1888. Creator: Arthur Hopkins.
''The Descent from a Balloon at the Alexandra Palace', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Young Parisians at the Seaside', 1888. Creator: Mars.