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Evening Snow on Matsuchi Hilll, from the series Eight Fashionable Views of Edo (Fur..., ca. 1765-70. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
A Young Woman and Man Playing Shogi (Japanese Chess); Chunagon Kanesuke, from a ser..., ca. 1767-69. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Two Girls Play the Finger Game of Kitsume Ken, 1725-1770., 1725-1770. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Edmund Quinn Fencing, 1880s., 1880s. Creator: Circle of Thomas Eakins.
Return from the Game Hunt, 1786., 1786. Creator: Nicolas Colibert.
Two Women Reclining on the Floor of a Room and Reading a Book, ca. 1730., ca. 1730. Creator: Nishikawa Sukenobu.
Daikoku and Shoki Playing Chess, ca. 1730., ca. 1730. Creator: Okumura Toshinobu.
A group of people gambling, 1770-1800., 1770-1800. Creator: Pellegrino dal Colle.
Two Boys Blowing a Bladder by Candle-light, 1773., 1773. Creator: Peter Perez Burdett.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Lion Hunt, ca. 1500-1534., ca. 1500-1534. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Circus Flaminius, 1553., 1553. Creator: Nicolas Beatrizet.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Circus Maximus, 1553., 1553. Creator: Nicolas Beatrizet.
Masnavi of Jalal al-Din Rumi, dated A.H. 894/A.D. 1488-89. Creator: Unknown.
Chand Bibi Hawking with Attendants in a Landscape, ca. 1700. Creator: Unknown.
Jahangir Watching an Elephant Fight, ca. 1605. Creator: Farrukh Chela.
Mounted Hunter with Dog Pursuing Game Birds, 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Two Youths Romping, late 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Hunting Scene, late 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Paper Theater or Diorama of an Italianate Villa and Garden, ca. 1730-56. Creator: Martin Engelbrecht.
Princely Hawking Party, ca. 1570. Creator: Attributed to Mirza 'Ali.
Two Children Playing with a Ball, 1500-1546. Creator: Peter Flotner.
Forest Scene, a Halt at the Left, a Hunt at the Center, 1612-66. Creator: Attributed to Pier Francesco Mola (.
Huntsmen and Company Observing Dogs Retrieving Ducks in a Pond (The Month of April), c1610-20. Creator: Pieter Stevens.
Woman in Pink Reclining on a Canape, 1819. Creator: Theodore Lebrun.
Hunting Still Life in a Forest, 1784. Creator: Wybrand Hendriks.
Preparations for a Hunt, ca. 1680. Creator: Unknown.
Maharana Sangram Singh Hunting Wild Boar, ca. 1725. Creator: Unknown.
A Princely Hunt, late 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
A Prince out Hawking with a Group of Attendants and a Leopard, Folio from..., Dated AH 1214/1799-180 Creator: Unknown.
The Book of Chess, 1483. Creator: Jacobus de Cessolis.
A Hunting Party, ca. 1555-65. Creator: Joannes Stradanus.
Figures in a Garden, 1784. Creator: Jean Démosthène Dugourc.
Cock Fight, 1900. Creator: Arthur Melville.
Shah Jahan Watching an Elephant Fight, Folio from a Padshahnama, probably 1639. Creator: Bulaqi.
Riverside with Three Bathing Boys, 19th century. Creator: Christian Friedrich Gille.
Drawing of a Hunt, 1800-1830. Creator: Friederich Krebs.
Hunters with Dead Game in a Landscape, 1600-1800. Creator: Giovanni Agostino Cassana.
Young Hunter with His Dogs in a Landscape, 1641-1710. Creator: Giovanni Francesco Castiglione.
Pauline Viardot Gambling at Baden-Baden, 1862. Creator: Gustave Doré.
A Boar Hunt, 17th century. Creator: Anon.
Designs for Top and Four Sides of a Snuffbox with Scenes depicting the Ascent..., ca. 1784-89. Creator: Anon.
[Hunter with Hare], 1850-55. Creator: Unknown.
[Man Sitting on Steps of House with Socks Hanging on Nearby Vine to Dry], 1880s. Creator: Unknown.
[Man Smoking Pipe Outside His Home on Village Street], 1880s. Creator: Unknown.
Three Men Playing Cards, March, 1842. Creator: William Langenheim.
Children Fishing, ca. 1900. Creator: William James Mullins.
[Playing Cards, Winter Quarters]. Brady album, p. 129, 1861-65. Creator: Unknown.
Group of 5 Early Stereograph Views of British Hotels and Inns, 1860s-80s. Creator: Unknown.
Four Pugilists with a Bottle at Their Feet, 1870-80s. Creator: Unknown.
Hunting Trophies, ca. 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Ice Bridge and the American Falls, Niagara, New York, ca. 1883. Creator: Unknown.
Men Playing Chess, Damascus, 1888. Creator: Unknown.
Album of 67 Photographic Studies of Self-Defense Maneuvers, ca. 1895. Creator: Unknown.
Two Boys Playing at the Creek, July 4, 1883, 1883. Creator: Thomas Eakins.
Gimnasio López, de Sevilla, ca. 1860. Creator: Possibly by Luigi Pesce.
The Scholar's Mate, 1855. Creator: Oscar Gustav Rejlander.
[Departure for the huntTomb of Khan of Khiva], 1840s-60s. Creator: Possibly by Luigi Pesce.
[Fencer], 1906. Creator: George Demeny.
Napoli Tarantella, ca. 1870. Creator: Giorgio Sommer.
Theobaud Bauer, Graeco-Roman Wrestler, from World's Champions, Second Series (N43) for All..., 1888. Creator: Allen & Ginter.