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Market scene. Creator: Circle of Jacopo Bassano il vecchio.
Sand Blaster, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Shad fishing -- fishers and catch, 1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
ST. LOUIS, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
ST. PAUL sails, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Striking Garment Workers, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Submarine Co. yard, Newark, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Tokyo firemen, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Tokyo Firemen's Exhibition, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Weighing gold, U.S. Mint, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service.
Wm. Reynolds & wife, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Xmas on Consolidated Exchange, between c1910 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
E.H.[i.e. F] Hutton, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service.
Dambois, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
F.C. Burnell, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.
Frank A. Lord, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Frederick Villiers, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Fuller E. Callaway, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Gerald & Felix M. Warburg with Mrs. Maurice Loeb, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Lord Ashbourne, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Prof. F.W. Taussig, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service.
Sam'l [i.e., Samuel] Gompers, 1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Sir A.A. Pearson, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Steel, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
T. Coleman Dupont, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Unidentified man seated at desk, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
W. D'Arcy Ryan, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
W.L. Chambers, M.A. Knapp, G.W.W. Hanger, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
W.L. Saunders, c1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Wrought by the Silversmith: in the Silver Show Room, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
The new docks and repairing-basin at Chatham, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
Plan of the Amsterdam Ship Canal, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The cigarette-maker: filling, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
An important process in the cotton industry: a sizing-room, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Brown and Polson's "Patent” Corn Flour - a Natural Fruit Jelly - a tempting dish for children, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Take a Kodak with you, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Foot's trunks: no crushing, no confusion, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Druce's: furniture in good taste at inexpensive rates, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
The Brisk telegraph-ship at her moorings in the Channel, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Trial of Prince Pierre Bonaparte at Tours, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Pure Saxon Merino rams, exhibited at Breslau, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Completion of the Wolf-Rock Lighthouse: putting the keepers on the Rock, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
A corner of the cabinet-works: wood-working machinery, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Making aids to beauty: mirror and furniture fitters and polishers, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
"Saved From The Flood," by F. W. Topham,...Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1871. Creator: William Hollidge.
Fighting the flames with primitive apparatus: a fire in Peking, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Burglars in the suburbs of Peking: the thieves caught in the act, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Southalls' Towels, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
The Manchester and Liverpool District Bank: the exterior, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
A cartoon: "into whose hands will the Chinese ball fall?", 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: deserted wharfs and warehouses of Westport, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
...the Nectar of the Gods: Messrs. Greenall and Whitley's famous brewery, 1909. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: Meath lads on their garden plot at Crossakeel, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"The Page," by W. Fyfe, 1870. Creator: Robert Loudan.
The Sea-Messenger, to convey letters from ships in peril, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Waldorf-Astoria, The First Hotel To Be Fitted With Wireless Telegraphy, 1909. Creator: Byron.
"Behind the Scenes," by J. A. Fitzgerald, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Telegraph diagram and reading-plate of Sir F. Ronald's electric telegraph, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of Columbia Fish Market Bethnal-Green, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Spade drill at the Tower, 1870. Creator: Unknown.