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Une Mauvaise charge, 1856. Creator: Félicien Rops.
Monsieur, je souscris pour le tremblement de terre des Batignolles..., 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Un enfant que s'amuse de peu...1847. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Allons!...on n'a pas encore rendu compte de mon roman..., 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.
C'est bien parce que c'est votre ami..., 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Où peut conduire la lecture du Constitutionnel!, 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Messieurs, je viens offrir à votre journal..., 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Ah! Tu veux te frotter à la presse!!, 1833. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Les Vendeurs de l'Époque, 1845.  Creator: Honore Daumier.
Abonnés recevant leur journal.., 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Le Constitutionnel contemplant l'horizon politique, 1849. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Comment! encore une caricature sur nous.., 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Ce que le bourgeois est convenu de nommer une petite distraction, 1846. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Dans cette réclame que vous allez envoyer à tous les journaux..., 1846. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Frame with printing press, c.1800-c.1900. Creator: Anon.
The print shop of Luigi Valeriano Pozzi in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan, 1788-1847.  Creator: Luigi Valeriano Pozzi.
Broadcasting House, Portland Place, Marylebone, City of Westminster, London, 1945-1960. Creator: Margaret F Harker.
Broadcasting House, Portland Place, Marylebone, City of Westminster, London, 1945-1960. Creator: Margaret F Harker.
Front page of the Illustrated London News, Vol. LXVIII, January to June, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The War in the Herzegovina: the Correspondents of the "Rousski Mir" and the..., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Philadelphia Sketches: Selling the "Pennsylvania Journal" of One Hundred Years Ago..., 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Mode of Advertising in Philadelphia, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Late Stanley Lees Giffard, Esq., LL.D., 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Interior with a woman reading the newspaper, 1854-1892. Creator: Gerke Henkes.
Newspaper Row, Park Row, New York, c1900. Creator: Unknown.
Times Building, New York, N.Y., c1908. Creator: Unknown.
Pieter Arnold Diederichs, bookseller, founder of the 'Algemeen Handelsblad' newspaper, 1850-1860.  Creator: Johan Georg Schwartze.
Front page, Vol. 28, Jan. to June 1846.  Creator: Unknown.
"From Our Own Correspondent" - painted by W. Hemsley, 1856.  Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.
Reading the News of the Peace, at the Mansion-House, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Visit of the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred to Messrs. Day and Son's Lithographic Establishment,  Creator: Day & Son.
Improved London Street Architecture: No. 184, Strand, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
The Peace Illumination: Strand, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Herald Building, New York, N.Y., between 1900 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
Detroit Publishing Company, Thirty-eighth Street West from Fifth Avenue, N.Y., between 1900 and 1910 Creator: Unknown.
Woman Suffrage - Selling 'The Suffragist', 1914. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Portrait of seated man holding the Charleston Zeitung, possibly the owner of the newspaper..., 1853. Creator: Unknown.
Times Building under construction, New York, N.Y., ca 1904. Creator: Unknown.
Newspaper Row, [Park Row], New York, c1905. Creator: Unknown.
''Fry's Pure Concentrated Cocoa', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Movie set for a western, between 1896 and 1942. Creator: Arnold Genthe.
Press Correspondents at Mount Vernon - Serbian Missions, Phil Patchen at Right, 1917. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Dites donc, M'sieu Colimard ..., 1850. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Fureur de Monsieur Cobden ..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
T'as tort de vouloir afficher cette cette grande annonce ..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Mimi Vèron croit avoir trouvé..., 1850.  Creator: Honore Daumier.
Mrs. Rheta C. Dorr, Suffragist, with First Edition of 'The Suffragist', 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Mrs. Rheta C. Dorr, Suffragist, with First Edition of 'The Suffragist', 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.