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Man Seated by a Palm Tree, c. 1510/1515. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Saint George, c. 1506. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Birth of Adonis, c. 1515/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
The Rape of Europa, c. 1515/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Satyr Family, c. 1512/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Woman and Satyr with Two Cupids, c. 1506/1512. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Apollo and Marsyas, c. 1515/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
Satyr Family, c. 1512/1520. Creator: Benedetto Montagna.
King Death's Distribution of Prizes. Bacchus Takes the First Premium., 1870. Creator: Thomas Nast.
The Golden Age, 1644. Creator: Unknown.
Ornament Panel with Orpheus and the Judgment of Paris, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornament Panel with Orpheus and the Judgment of Paris, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Fama, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Fate of an Evil Tongue, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Triton Carrying a Child, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornament Panel: Victoria Augusta, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornament Panel with a Birdcage, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornament Panel: Mars, God of Battles, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Fate of an Evil Tongue, c. 1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Project d'une Grotte (Plan for a Grotto), c. 1755/1760. Creator: Johann Esaias Nilson.
Jupiter in a Landscape, 1696. Creator: Crescenzio Onofri.
Mars's Revenge on Adonis, 1696. Creator: Crescenzio Onofri.
Balthus Turned to Stone, 1696. Creator: Crescenzio Onofri.
Apollo and a Nymph Leading a Lion, 1696. Creator: Crescenzio Onofri.
A Man Showing Mercury the Eagle of Jupiter, 1696. Creator: Crescenzio Onofri.
Circe. Creator: Unknown.
Paris Writing Words of Love to Oenone. Creator: Georg Pencz.
The Triumph of Chastity, c. 1539. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Tarquin and Lucretia. Creator: Georg Pencz.
The Triumph of Fame, c. 1539. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Medea Returning the Penates to Jason. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Procris, 1539. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Panel of Ornament with Two Naked Children on Monstrous Beasts, c. 1505/1520. Creator: Peregrino da Cesena.
The Triumph of Neptune, c. 1490/1510. Creator: Peregrino da Cesena.
Panel of Ornament with a Satyress Feeding Two Children, c. 1505/1520. Creator: Peregrino da Cesena.
The Triumph of Galatea, c. 1520. Creator: Peregrino da Cesena.
The Admission of Psyche to Olympia, c. 1635. Creator: François Perrier.
The Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche, c. 1635. Creator: François Perrier.
The Seconda Macchina for the Chinea of 1756: The Temple of Ceres, 1756. Creator: Giuseppe Pozzi.
Venus, 1781. Creator: Johann Gottlieb Prestel.
Jupiter, 1781. Creator: Maria Catharina Prestel.
Pluto, 1781. Creator: Maria Catharina Prestel.
Cheval aile (Winged Horse), 1894. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Le Polype difforme flottait sur les rivages, sorte de cyclope souriant et hideux..., 1883. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Il y eut des luttes et des vaines victoires (There were struggles and vain victories), 1883. Creator: Odilon Redon.
L'Aile impuissante n'eleva point la bete en ces noirs espaces (The impotent wing did not lift..., 18 Creator: Odilon Redon.
Femme a la torque ornee (Woman with a plumed hat), c. 1900. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Le Satyre au cynique sourire (The Satyr with the cynical smile), 1883. Creator: Odilon Redon.
L'Aile (The Wing), 1893. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Le Sphynx...mon regard que rien ne peut devier, demeure tendu a travers les choses..., 1889. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Les Sciapodes: La tete le plus bas possible, c'est le secret du bonheur! (The Skiapods...), 1889. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Centaur visant les Nues (Centaur aiming at the Clouds), 1895. Creator: Odilon Redon.
Drunken Silenus, 1628. Creator: Jusepe de Ribera.
The Drunken Silenus, 1628. Creator: Jusepe de Ribera.
The Drunken Silenus, 1628. Creator: Jusepe de Ribera.
Battle between a Centaur and a Triton. Creator: Ribera, Jusepe de, circle of.
Sirene (Hippocampe), 1896. Creator: Pierre Roche.
Diane au levrier (Diana and a Greyhound), 1912. Creator: Pierre Roche.
Aphrodite, 1914. Creator: Pierre Roche.
Jason and the Dragon, c. 1663/1664. Creator: Salvator Rosa.