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Battle of Amazons, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Feast of Ceres, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Lipparini.
Lucretia, n.d. Creator: Lorenzo Pasinelli.
Mars and Cupid, c.1550. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Allegorical Subject (Angel above Two Sibyls), 1560/65. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Venus Mourning the Death of Adonis, ca. 1562-63. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Study for Juno (or Diana) with a Peacock, 1584/85. Creators: Luca Cambiaso, Lazzaro Tavarone, Bernardo Castello.
Resurrection of the Dead, 1600/10. Creator: Marcantonio Bassetti.
Putto with Club of Hercules, 1575/78. Creators: Marco Marchetti, Bartolomeo Schedoni, Raffaello Motta.
Mercury and Mars, n.d. Creators: Marco Marcola, Charles le Brun.
Parnassus Profaned, after 1520. Creator: Master HFE.
Study of Two Angels, 1661/1666. Creator: Mattia Preti.
Hercules at the Crossroads, n.d. Creator: Niccolo Berrettoni.
Panel of Ornament with a Birdcage, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornamental Panel: Victoria Augusta, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornament Panel with Mars, God of Battles, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Fate of the Evil Tongue, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Laöcoon, 1540/45. Creator: Nicolo Boldrini.
Cupid Overcoming Pan, n.d. Creator: Orazio Samacchini.
Fortitude (or Strength) Flanked by Two Satyrs, n.d. Creator: Paolo Veronese.
Overdoor with Allegorical Male Figure, 17th century. Creator: Paolo Veronese.
Overdoor with Satyr and Satyress, 17th century. Creator: Paolo Veronese.
Study for Spandrel Decoration with Satyress, Satyrs, and Putti (r); Head of Putto (v), c.1588. Creator: Paolo Farinati.
Orpheus Charming the Animals, 1490/1510. Creator: Peregrino da Cesena.
Study for Perseus Liberating Andromeda, n.d. Creator: Perino del Vaga.
Head of Laocoon, n.d. Creator: Pietro Dandini.
Erminia and the Shepherds, n.d. Creator: Giuseppe Nicola Nasini.
Venus, Cupid and Pallas, 16th century. Creator: School of Marcantonio Raimondi.
St. George and the Dragon, n.d. Creator: School or imitator of Raffaello Sanzio,.
Homer's Iliad, Homer's Odyssey, Aeschylus's Tragedies and les Argonautes, 1793/1810. Creators: Tommaso Piroli, Joseph Anton Koch.
Illustration to Pope's Odyssey, 1793. Creator: Tommaso Piroli.
After the Antique (?): Head of a Satyr, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Cassandra Before the Burning City of Troy, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Satyr Carrying a Nymph, 1490/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Head of Putto, 1600-1699. Creator: Unknown.
Putto Chasing Another Putto Carrying a Vase, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Putto's Upturned Face, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Putti Performing Tasks, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Vulcan, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Centaur Fighting with Lion, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Section of Ceiling Decoration with Cupid with Scroll and Lion with Crown, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Bacchanal Scene, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Hercules and Antaeus, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Juno Commanding Aeolus to Release the Winds, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Aurora Heralds the Break of Day to the Four Corners of the Globe, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Rape of Proserpina, 1550/59. Creator: Unknown.
Design for Architrave with Ornamental Scrollwork, Satyr, and Sea Nymph, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Putto, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
River God, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Putti Making Wine, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Offering to Lares, 1810. Creators: Vincenzo Camuccini, Alois Senefelder.
Head of Venus de Medici, n.d. Creator: Vincenzo Dandini.
Putti with Peacocks and Musical Instruments, n.d. Creator: Workshop of Lattanzio Gambara Italian, c. 1530-157.
Apollo Driving the Chariot of the Sun, 1519/21. Creator: Workshop of Pietro Buonaccorsi, called Perino del Vaga.
Rape of Ganymede, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Nymph of Fontainebleau, after 1545. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches of Madonna and Child, Flaying of Marsyas, n.d. Creator: Style of Gaspare Diziani Italian, 1689-1767.
Mercury Bringing Bacchus to be Raised by the Nymphs, n.d. Creator: Juan Cristobal.
Nymphs in a Wooded Grove, n.d. Creator: Juan Cristobal.