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Arrival at the military port, Naples, of the "Emperor" and the "Melazzzo" with British volunteers... Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Lusk's Shrieval Badge and Chain, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Dans les lignes anglaises: Contalmaison (septembre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Notre attaque du 24 octobre 1916; Le 25 au matin, un bataillon de reserve est en positiond'attente  Creator: Unknown.
'La Roumanie dans la Guerre; Brasso, la premiere ville prise par les Roumains, vue a vol d'oiseau',  Creator: Unknown.
Map of North-east China, showing the Gulf of Pechili, the Tien-Tsin (Peiho) River..., 1860. Creator: John Dower.
The 1st Lancashire Mounted Rifles and the Artillery Brigade marching past, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Tien-Tsin, on the banks of the Peiho River, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
View of Capua, from Monte St. Angelo - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Triumphal Chair of Martin, King of Arragon, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Proclaiming the result of the vote on the annexation question before the Royal Palace, Naples, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Prisonniers allemands (septembre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; La gauche du champ de bataille: le village de Bras et la Meuse Creator: Unknown.
'Les dernieres victoires Russes; Une attaque russe: les soldats marchent a l'ennemi, a peine courpes Creator: Unknown.
'Dans les Souterrains du Chateau de Combles; En bas, une saile de pansement, dans un caveau don’t le Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; Des maisons ou ils s'etaient caches pendant l' evacuationde la ville, de nombre Creator: Unknown.
Embarkation of the Prince of Wales in H.M.S. "Hero" at Plymouth for Canada, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Golden Bull of Clement VII. confirming Henry VIII. in the title of Defender of the Faith, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at Montreal - Arch at the head of M'Gill Street, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The lake steamer "Lady Elgin", as she lay at her wharf at Chicago on the day before she..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Six Mois Dans la Somme; Sur la route, entre Maricourt et Suzanne (octobre 1916)', 1916. Creator: Charles Hoffbauer.
'Le Theatre de l'epopee de Verdun; Le champ de bataille du 21 fevrier au decembre 1916', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; Une massue autrichienne examinee par des officiers', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
"The Last from the Wreck", by E. Duncan, in the Exhibition of the Water-Colour Society, 1860. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The Review of Lancashire Rifle Volunteers in Knowsley Park - the Earl and Countess of..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince opening the Industrial Exhibition in the Crystal Palace, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Revolution in Naples - charge of Neapolitan cavalry on the national troops before Capua..., 1860 Creator: Unknown.
The War in Naples - Garibaldian troops  crossing the Volturno..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Leaon, the Governor-General of Kwang-Tung and Kwang-Si, China, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Clery Repris; Les ruines de l'eglise', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Le Theatre de Notre Offensive de la Somme; Nos progres et le developpement de la bataille du 1er ju Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; L'infanterie, prenant possession de la ville, traverse en courant la Piazza Gra Creator: Unknown.
The Embarkation of the Prince of Wales at the Queen's Wharf, St. John's, Newfoundland, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Goodwood Race Plate, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Field-day and Sham Fight of Volunteers on Hampstead Heath, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Revolution in Sicily - Garibaldi cutting down the captain of the Neapolitan cavalry... 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Presentation to the Highgate Rifle Corps of a silver bugle by Miss Burdet Coutts..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
J. W. Malcolm, Esq., the newly-elected M.P. for Boston - from a photograph by Claudet, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Beaucousin Collection at the National Gallery - "The Capture of Carthagena"..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'L'Attaque Britannique du 25 septembre 1916; Reserves sortant des tranchees, apres leurs camarades d Creator: Unknown.
'Les Vainqueurs; Dans le Fond-du-loup: nettoyage des abris souterrains de l'ennemi, au moyen de gren Creator: Unknown.
'A Salonique; Debarquement du contingent italien le 10 aout ; nos allies s'avancent entre une double Creator: Unknown.
General Türr, Garibaldi's chief aide-de-camp, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The release of politicial prisoners from the Castellamare, Palermo, on June 19..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Stockton-on-Tees Regatta Cup, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Volunteer Guards (32nd Middlesex), generally known as the Six-Foot Corps., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The late Joseph Locke, Esq., M.P., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Notre offensive du 15 decembre 1916; Artilleurs allemands tuers a leur piece', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
The storming and capture of the North Fort, Peiho, on the 21st August, 1860... Creator: Unknown.
'A Cent Cinquante Metres au-dessus du Combat ; Notre vague d'assaut progresse ; au loin on voitfuir  Creator: Unknown.
'En Macedoine; Nos operations de police a la frontiere greco-serbe: une compagnie d'infanterie franc Creator: Unknown.
'Victoire Italienne; La cavalerie italienne a Gorizia devant la palais du gouverneur autrichie, le m Creator: Unknown.
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales laying the first stone of the Lambeth School of Art, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Revolution in Sicily - Calatafimi, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
'Clery Repris; La lisiere Sud de Clery: vue sur les marais Ommiecourt', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'La Lutte Contre le Pacifisme; M. Briand, a la tribune de la chambre, le 19 septembre 1916', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
The Review of Lancashire Rifle Volunteers in Knowsley Park - Huyton Lodge Volunteers..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales at Montreal - The Crystal Palace, opened by His Royal Highness, August 25, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
The "Fairy Queen" paddle-wheel despatch-boat for General Garibaldi, 1860. Creator: Unknown.
Review of Her Majesty's Troops and Volunteers at Cape Town by Prince Alfred..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.