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Reverend Charles John Vaughan, DD, Dean of Llandaff and Master of the Temple, 1882.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
Charles Thomas Newton, CB, DCL, Professor of Archeology at University College London, 1883.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
Rev Sir Frederick A Gore Ouseley, Bart, Professor of Music at the University of Oxford, 1883.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
John Hall Gladstone, President of the Chemical Society, 1880.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
Sir Charles Reed, chairman of the London School Board, 1880.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
Henry Fawcett, MP, Professor of Political Economy at Cambridge University, 1876.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
John Tyndall, DCL, LLD, FRS, Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution, 1877.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
The Prince of Wales as chancellor of the University of Wales, Bangor, 1923. Artist: Unknown
Exit From The College, (1885).Artist: Jean Baptiste Tilliard
The Lecture, (1885).Artist: Cazot
George Buchanan, Scottish historian and humanist scholar, (1833).Artist: E Scriven
Dulwich College, London, 1829.Artist: J Rogers
George Buchanan, Scottish historian and humanist scholar, (1870).Artist: S Freeman
State School, Sandhurst, Australia, 1886. Artist: Unknown
Imperial Institute, London, 20th Century. Creator: Unknown.
The Imperial Institute, South Kensington, London, 1899.  Creator: Unknown.
Library of the University of Leyden, Netherlands, 17th century, (1870). Artist: Unknown
Interior, Oxford University, c18th century, (1870). Artist: Unknown
The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1870.Artist: W Forrest
Alexander Adam, Scottish teacher and writer on Roman antiquities, (1870).Artist: S Freeman
Wesleyan Methodist chapel and school, Union Street, Rochdale, Manchester, 1876. Artist: Unknown
St Louis of Gonzaga, 16th century Italian saint and protector of young students, 19th century. Artist: Anon
St Louis of Gonzaga, Italian saint and protector of young students, 19th century. Artist: Anon
Henry George Liddell, British scholar, 1875. Artist: Carlo Pellegrini
'School of Athens', c1510. Artist: Raphael
'The Ploughing Lesson', 1798. Artist: Francois-Andre Vincent
Teaching boys to read in the Ragged School Union school, Lambeth, London, 1868. Artist: Unknown
Children waiting for soup at dinner time, London Board School, Denmark Terrace, Islington, 1889. Artist: Unknown
Ole Worm, Danish scholar. Artist: Unknown
Joseph Black, Scottish chemist, 1787. Artist: John Kay
Alexander the Great talking to wise men and scholars, 4th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'February - Cutting Weather', 1839. Artist: George Cruikshank
Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born American philanthropist and industrialist, 1903. Artist: Spy
Charles Dickens addressing a meeting, London, 1856. Artist: Unknown
'The Old Hedge School', 1872.Artist: C Burt
The inner court of the University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1870.Artist: T Flemming
'Eton College', 1880. Artist: Unknown
'Quadrangle of Eton College', 1880. Artist: Unknown
University and Kings College, Old Aberdeen, 1870.Artist: W Richardson
The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Knox College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Education Department, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Alexandra College, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
The colleges of the University of Oxford, 1895. Artist: Unknown
University College, Toronto, Canada, 19th century. Artist: Tilton Waters
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
'Alfred found much pleasure in reading', 9th century, (1905).Artist: A S Forrest
City of London School, London, 19th century.Artist: J Woods
Dulwich College, Dulwich, south-east London, 1846.Artist: TA Prior
'The School House on Dunsfold Green', Surrey, 1850. Artist: J H Kernot
'School for the Indigent Blind', Southwark, London, 19th century.Artist: TA Prior
The New Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey, late 19th century.Artist: JC Armytage
Schoolmaster and his pupils, 18th century. Artist: Unknown
Schoolmaster and pupils, c1820. Artist: George Fisher
Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970), British philosopher and mathematician. Artist: Unknown
Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970), British philosopher and mathematician. Artist: Unknown
Mendeleyev's first Periodic Table of Elements, 1869. Artist: Dmitri Mendeleev
Illustration for 'Jack and Jill went up the hill', Kate Greenaway (1846-1901). Artist: Catherine Greenaway
Illustration for 'Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep', Kate Greenaway. Artist: Catherine Greenaway
Illustration for 'Goosey, goosey gander, where shall I wander?', Kate Greenaway (1846-1901). Artist: Catherine Greenaway