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Initial G: The Circumcision; Book of Hours, after 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ before Herod; Book of Hours, about 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Nailed to the Cross; Book of Hours, about 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Michael Battling the Devil; Book of Hours, about 1460. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Bernardino of Siena Rescuing Boys from a River; Book of Hours, about 1460. Creator: Unknown.
The Circumcision; Book of Hours, early 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, early 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Job Derided by his Wife and Three Friends; Book of Hours, 1544. Creator: Unknown.
Empedokles Burning in the Crater of Aetna; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
Narcissus Gazing at his Reflection; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
Female Personification of Old Age; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
Female Personifications of Hypocrisy and Poverty; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
Emperor Nero Ordering Seneca's Veins Slashed; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
The Personification of False Pretence with Gold Pieces; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
The Antichrist before Scholars and Monks; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: Unknown.
Leaf from a Book of Hours, about 1500. Creator: Unknown.
Initial D: The Fall of Simon Magus; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s. Creator: Unknown.
Russo-Japanese War, 1905.  Creator: L. Brunet.
Louis the Pious (778-840), King of Aquitaine and of the Franks, 1851. Creator: Ecosse.
Mammon, 1896.  Creator: J Weber.
Martin Luther (1483-1546), German reformer, 1882.  Creator: G Spangerberg.
Luther in Warburg Castle, 1882.  Creator: G Spangerberg.
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 19th century. Creator: Héliodore Joseph Pisan.
Lucretia, 1884.  Creator: Kaesenberg & Oertel.
The last moments of Emperor Maximilian I, 1885.  Creator: L Babbage.
Explorers confronting natives of Bumbireh Island, Africa, 1870s, (1880).  Creator: Laplante.
Workers' demonstration outside the Captaincy General, Barcelona, Spain, 1890. Creator: Rico.
Death of Lucan, 65 AD, (1888).  Creator: Waloy.
Starred flag (Estelada), National Day of Catalonia,  Barcelona, 11-09-2014. Creator: LTL.
National Day of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, 11-09-2014. Creator: LTL.
National Day of Catalonia, Barcelona, 11-09-2014.  Creator: LTL.
Starred flag (Estelada), National Day of Catalonia,  Barcelona, 11-09-2014.  Creator: LTL.
Starred flag (Estelada), National Day of Catalonia, Barcelona, 11-09-2014. Creator: LTL.
Starred flag (Estelada), National Day of Catalonia, Barcelona, 11-09-2014.  Creator: LTL.
Banner: "Volem votar" (We want to vote), National Day of Catalonia, Barcelona, 11-09-2014.  Creator: LTL.
Augustinian Recollect friar converting Guahibo Indians, Spanish Mission, Colombia, 1887.  Creator: Unknown.
Louis XIV and his mistress Louise de La Valliere, 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Louis XIII visits Louise de La Fayette at the Convent of the Visitation, 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Satire against the sale of indulgences, Protestant Reformation, Germany, 1885.  Creator: Unknown.
Martin Luther, 1523, (1885). Creator: Daniel Hopfer.
Martin Luther and Katharina von Bor, 1881. Creator: Unknown.
Firearms, Israel Defense Forces, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
A Jew praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013.  Creator: LTL.
A Jew praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013.  Creator: LTL.
A Jew praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013.  Creator: LTL.
Detail of Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
A Jew praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013.  Creator: LTL.
Jews praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
Jews praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
Detail of Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
Detail of Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013. Creator: LTL.
A Jew praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013.  Creator: LTL.
A Jew praying at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013.  Creator: LTL.
Polish communist propaganda poster showing soldier of communist Armia Ludowa..., post-WWII.  Creator: Unknown.
Protesters looting shops in Piccadilly, London, 1886. Creator: Unknown.
Unemployed workers, London, 1886.  Creator: Unknown.
Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria and Infanta Maria de la Paz of Spain, 1883. Creator: Unknown.
Interview between the Prince of Wales and the Maharana of Oudeypour, India, 19th century. Creator: Unknown.