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Streetcar railway strike, 1916 - Stopping cars, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Sympathy Labor Parade, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Union Square, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Carson addressing Ulster Army, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.
Doris Stevens, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Estelle Thomas, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service.
La Fontaine, 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.
Miss Parks at Madison Sq., between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. Abby Scott Baker, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. Coe, Mrs. Duniway, Gov. West, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. H.S. Blatch, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. O.H.P. Belmont, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. S. Loebinger speaking to crowd on street, New York, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. T.B. Wells, Mrs. D.A. Palmer & Mary G. Hay -- suffrage farm, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service.
Mrs. Van Winkle and Suffrage torch, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Pittsburgh Strike [1919 strikers demonstrating in car], 1919. Creator: Bain News Service.
Raising flag of N.Y. City, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Raising N.Y.City's flag, 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.
Men Working at a Training Centre, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Man Inspecting an other Man Working With a Blowtorch, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Jack Lovelock Winning the 1500 Metre Run, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Jack Lovelock Being Rewarded After Winning the 1500 Metre Run at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Francisco Franco, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
A Crowd Gathering, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Dudley Aman, 1st Baron Marley Talking to the Camera, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Front Door of 10 Downing Street, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Crowd gathering in London, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Stanley Baldwin, The British Prime Minister, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Fascists and Anti-fascist Protestors Fighting, 1930s. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Albert Einstein Giving a Speech on Freedom of Expression, 1930s. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Newspaper Headline Reading: 'We Saw the Monster - Daily Mail Mission - Adventure of Our Loch...1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Newspaper Headline Reading: 'The Monster's Portrait - Green Eyes and Red Nostrils..., 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Albert Einstein Giving a Speech on Freedom of Expression, 1930s. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Sign Reading: 'Achtung Juden', 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Civilians Looking at  Shop Window with Graffiti Reading: ‘Juden’ on it, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Men in Nazi Uniforms attaching anti-Jewish Posters, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Men in Nazi Uniforms and Civilians Standing Outside a Shop With anti-Jewish Posters on it, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
German Civilians and Men in Nazi Uniforms With a Nazi Flag, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Arthur J Cook, Trade Union Activist, 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
British People Boarding a Ship to Start a New Life Abroad, 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Women and Children Sitting on a Groyne, Splashing With Their Feet on a British Beach, 1920. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Nazi Officer Hermann Goering in Hunting Dress Showing His Colleagues a Line of Deer He Has..., 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Large Group of Civilians Riding Bicycles Through Country Lanes, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Crowds of People Marching as Part of Labour May Day Procession Ending in a Rally in Hyde..., 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Upper Class People Enjoying a Meal in a Restaurant, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Crowds Cheering in Trafalgar Square, London, 1922. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Prince of Wales (the Future Edward VIII) Recording a Charity Appeal In a Film Studio, 1920s. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Margaret Bondfield, Labour Politician and Member of the TUC Council Giving a Speech..., 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Ellen Wilkinson, Labour Politician Giving a Speech in Support of the General Strike, 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Ellen Wilkinson, Labour Politician Giving a Speech in Support of the General Strike, 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
A Large Group of Hikers Having Drinks in a Field Beside a Haystack, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
A Large Group of Hikers Having Drinks in a Field, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Four Female Civilians in Swimwear Riding Along the River in a Small Boat, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Members of Trade Unions Arriving at Downing Street, 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Four Female Civilians in Swimwear Riding Along the River in a Small Boat, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
A Group of Male Civilians Looking at a Poster Attached to a Gate, 1926. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
A Large Group of Female Civilians Posing for Photos, 1931. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Spanish Soldiers Manning a Barricade, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
Men Eating Under a Canopy, 1933. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.
People Walking to the Houses of Parliament, 1936. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.