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91pages, 5,405 results in yourCategorysearch for"Satires"Advanced Search
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Les Tritons de la Seine, 1864. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Plus souvent que je te bal.., 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Le Chemin de fer de Lyon. Embarcadère.., 1852. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Mon char, mes javelots...(Phèdre), 1841. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Dans cette réclame que vous allez envoyer à tous les journaux..., 1846. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Çomme quoi la gymnastique forme les membres.., 1845. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Voulez-vous de l'or...des diamans.., 1838. Creator: Honore Daumier.
(Bertrand), Dis donc, s'ils allaient nous faire.., 1838. Creator: Honore Daumier.
(Robert) Hé bien! mon cher Directeur.., 1841. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Victor Hugo dans un discours en trois points.., 1849. Creator: Honore Daumier.
La Cinquième acte à la Gaîté, 1848. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Mais quand je vous dis que je ne peux pas remuer les pieds avec ses bottes là!.., 1847. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Un coup de feu!, 1839. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Mon Dieu! m'ame Bombec, qué que vous avez donc attrappé?, 1842. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Vous savez bien l'éponge que vous disiez.., 1842. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Une Récompense Artistique, 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Le vieux garçon, 1833. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Le portrait s'acheva en dépit de leurs remonstrances, 1842. Creator: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard.
Illustration for Yorick's 'Sentimental Voyage', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 8 for 'Moral and Satiric Content', 1778. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 11 for 'Moral and Satiric Content', 1778. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Blumauer's 'Aeneide', 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Illustration for Yorick's 'Sentimental Voyage', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Blumauer's 'Aeneide', 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Blumauer's 'Aeneide', 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Blumauer's 'Aeneide', 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Blumauer's 'Aeneide', 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 1 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 2 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 5 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 6 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 7 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 8 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Plate 12 for J.G. Muller's 'Siegfried von Lindenberg', 1783. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
"Cleveland's entry into Washington - March 4th. 1885.", 1885. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Feinde der Republik..... Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Halsabschneiden in Wall Street. Cartoon from Puck, 1881. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Harte Arbeit .... Cartoon from Puck, 1884. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Cartoon from Puck, between 1880 and 1889. Creators: Joseph Keppler, Bernhard Gillam.
Ein Hundstage-Traum.... Cartoon from Puck, 1881. Creators: Bernhard Gillam, Joseph Keppler.
The Show-man, 1799.  Creator: Monogrammist J.A..
Cossacks on the love path, c.1814-c.1815. Creator: Adrien Pierre François Godefroy the Younger.
Ladies and gentlemen admire paintings at an exhibition in Vienna, 1829-1848.  Creator: Andreas Geiger.
Cartoon on the production of ecclesiastical objects, early 19th century? Creator: Anon.
Shepherd's hour, 1818. Creators: Anon, Aaron Martinet.
The fifteenth century resurrected, 1820-1830.  Creator: Anon.
Group of English ladies seated on chairs. 1815. Creators: Anon, Paul-André Basset.
Male bath, 1750-1850. Creators: Anon, Martinet Hautecoeur.
The cheated wife, 1830-1831. Creators: Anon, Nicolas-Louis Delaunois, Martinet Hautecoeur.
La Chaussée d'Antin / Le Faubourg St. Antoine, c.1820-c.1840. Creator: Anon.
Workmen in line with a client, 1860-1865. Creator: Anon.
The county of Holland versus Free Republic, 1710-1720. Creator: Anon.
Cartoon of Adriaan Mandemaker, 1710-1720. Creator: Anon.
Cartoon of Adriaan Ploos, 1710-1720. Creator: Anon.
Cartoon of Adriaan van Zwieten, 1710-1720. Creator: Anon.