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John Bull Learning a New Movement, published March 21, 1799. Creator: Unknown.
A Riding-House, published 1780. Creator: Unknown.
Something to Look At, 1817. Creator: Unknown.
A Sunday Concert, n.d. Creator: James Bretherton.
A Sketch from the Stand at Scarboro', 1850/60. Creator: John Leech.
An Economical Mode of Putting Troops into White Trousers, 1840/50. Creator: John Leech.
Great Holiday in Mr. Punch's Park, 1840/49. Creator: John Leech.
Mr. Briggs Goes Out with the Brighton Harriers, 1850/59. Creator: John Leech.
Oh! The Merry, Merry Month of May!!!, 1850/59. Creator: John Leech.
Our Butcher, c. 1840. Creator: John Leech.
Overtaken by the Tide - Margate, 1840/50. Creator: John Leech.
Pleasant Prospect: A Day with the Stag, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Young Ireland in Business for Himself, 1850/59. Creator: John Leech.
Back View of the Elephant at the Regent's Park Zoological Gardens, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Canal Fishing, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Church and State, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Episodes of White Chapel Life, c. 1850. Creator: John Leech.
French Gentleman Gratifying His Hatred of Mr. Bull..., n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Juvenile: I say Charley, that's a jeuced fine girl..., n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Of All Foolish Things..., n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Paris 1856, c. 1856. Creator: John Leech.
Policeman and Boy, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
The Agricultural Distress Dodge, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
The Bells of Saint Stephens, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Chinese Shoemaker, n.d. Creator: John Leech.
Loveless Disarming Himself, after 1824. Creator: Unknown.
A Smoking Club, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Enraged Vicar, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of Jean-Paul Marat, c. 1795. Creator: Unknown.
Originals, 1800-1825.  Creator: Unknown.
Autre Temps, autre... Calicot., c. 1817. Creators: Unknown, C. de Lasleyrie.
The Money Devil, second half of the 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Pilgrimage to French Bucholz, 1775. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
What is the Way to be Happy?, 1791. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
Servants, 1780. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki.
The Happy Patriot, in or after 1695. Creator: Cornelis Dusart.
Cereris Bacchique Amicus (A Friend of Ceres and Bacchus), 1695. Creator: Cornelis Dusart.
Victoria Publica, 1695. Creator: Cornelis Dusart.
July, 1685/1695. Creator: Cornelis Dusart.
Piazza SS. Annunziata, Florence, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Almshouse, 1621. Creator: Edouard Eckman.
Voila le Moment de te Chantes "Wacht am Rhein", 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Le Front de Vincennes, 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
A la Conference de la Paix, 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Les Nuits de Paris, 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Versailles, 28 Juin, 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Pour l'homme de demain, 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
La Defaillance Russe, 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
In a Private Room (third plate), 1910. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The Adulteress (third plate, 1910. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The End - Verdun, c. 1916. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The End - Verdun, c. 1916. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The Lawyer Talking to the Prisoner (first plate), 1909. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Coming Out of the Hearing (first plate), 1909. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Lourdes, Transport of the Paralyzed, 1912/1913. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Lawyer Going through a Brief, 1909. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The Notables (small plate), 1915. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The Miracle before the Blessed Sacrament (fourth plate), 1912/1913. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
Coming Out of the Hearing (first plate), 1909. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The Lawyer Talking to the Prisoner (second plate), 1909. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.