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91pages, 5,432 results in yourCategorysearch for"Satires"Advanced Search
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'The Baron 'vills his Wet', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Mr. Jorrocks makes his Entrée into the Newmarket Betting-ring', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'The Pleasures of a Margate Steam Packet', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Oh Gentlemen! Gentlemen! here's a lamentable Occurrence', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Mr Jorrocks's Surprise on seeing the Paris Diligence 'My Vig, here's Wombwell's Wild-beast Show', 1 Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'The Table d'Hôte- 'Water, I do declare, - with Worms in it', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Mr. Jorrocks renounces the Acquaintance of the Yorkshireman', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Mr. Jorrocks makes a 'Faux Pas' at the Countess de Jackson's Ball', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Sporting in France- Mr. Jorrocks beats the Baron for Speed', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Mr. Jorrocks takes a Ride at the Fête at St. Cloud', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Lift me up! Tie me in my Chair! Fill my Glass!', 1838. Artist: Henry Thomas Alken.
'Picture of London', 1820. Artist: George Cruikshank.
'Picture of London', 1820. Artist: George Cruikshank.
'Hyde Park Corner', 1825. Creator: Unknown.
'The End of Julius Caesar', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Testis Ovat', Titus Oates in the pillory, 17th century (c1905). Artist: Unknown.
'Henry inspecting his Troops before the Battle of Agincourt', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'Columbus breaking the egg', 1753, (1833).  Artist: William Hogarth.
'Janus', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Numa Pompilius remembering the Grotto', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Death of Ciuilius', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Combat between the Horatii and Curiatii', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Roman Patrician', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Celeres', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Debtor and Creditor - Seizure of Goods for a Debt', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Cloelia and her Companions escaping from the Etruscan Camp', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Gathering the Spoils', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Coriolanus parting from his Wife and Family', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Roman Pantomime', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'A Lictor is sent to arrest Publilius Volero', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Cincinnatus chosen Dictator', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Miss Fabia astonished at the Patrician's double-knock', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Terrific Combat between T Manlius and a Gaul of gigantic stature', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Titus threatening Pomponius', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Pleased with his Rattle', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'A Scare-crow', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Metius aggravating Titus Manlius', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'The Victor's Wreath', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Curius Dentatus refusing the Magnificent Gift offered by the Samnites', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'One of the Heavies, 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Roman Man-of-War, from a scarce Medal', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Roman Lion and Falerian Jackass', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Hanno announcing the emptiness of the Public Coffers', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Roman Gladiator and his Patron', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'His Excellency Q Fabius offering Peace or War to the Carthaginian Senate', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Hannibal crossing the Alps', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Hannibal disguising himself', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Fabius, the slow coach', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Young Varro', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Scipio and Hannibal', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Archimedes taking a Warm Bath', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Light Comedy Man of the Period', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Philip receiving a Message from Rome', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Bacchanalian Group, from a very old Vase', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Dogged Objection to Taxes', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Assassination of Viriathus', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Arrest of Eunus', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Flight of Gaius Gracchus', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Marius in the Ruins of Carthage', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Marius in his Old Age', 1852. Artist: John Leech.