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91pages, 5,432 results in yourCategorysearch for"Satires"Advanced Search
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'Taste a la mode', 1745. Artist: F Patton
'Taste in High Life', 1746.Artist: William Hogarth
'Paintin a la Mode', 1748. Artist: Unknown
'Folly Triumphant', 1749.Artist: LP Boitard
'The Beau Monde in St James's Park', 1750.Artist: LP Boitard
'A Gentleman's Dressing Room', 1771.Artist: J Golder
'The Female Coterie', 18th century.Artist: T Bonner
'A Masquerade Scene at the Pantheon', 1773. Artist: Charles White
'The Preposterous Head Dress or The Feathered Lady', 1776. Artist: Unknown
'Hints to the ladies to take care of their heads', 1776. Artist: Unknown
'The Optic Curls', 18th century. Artist: Unknown
'The Featherd Fair in a Fright', 18th century. Artist: Unknown
'Steel Buttons, Coup de Bouton', 1777. Artist: Unknown
'Miss Calash' drawn by Miss Calash, 1778.Artist: Miss Calash
'The Ton at Greenwich: A la festoon dans le park a Greenwich' 1777. Artist: Unknown
'The Two Patriotic Duchesses on their canvass requesting the favour of an early poll,' 1784.Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
'The Apotheosis of the Duchess of Devonshire', 1784. Artist: Unknown
'St James' Park', 1783.Artist: Henry William Bunbury
'1784, or the Fashions of the Day', 1784.Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
'The Portland Place', 18th century. Artist: Unknown
'Vauxhall Gardens', 1795.Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
'La Belle Assemblee', 1787. Artist: Unknown
'Enter Cowslip with a bowl of cream', 1795. Artist: Unknown
'Modern Elegance: A Portrait', 1796. Artist: Unknown
'Characters in High Life...', 1795. Artist: Unknown
'Exaltation of Faro's daughters', 1796. Artist: Unknown
'A Lady putting on her cap', June 1795. Artist: Unknown
'A Sudden Squall in Hyde Park', c1791.Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
'The Return from St James after the honour of Knighthood', 1792. Artist: Unknown
'Parasols for 1795'. Artist: Unknown
'And catch the living manners as they rise', 1794. Artist: Unknown
'Shepherds, I have lost my waist! Have you seen my body?...', 1795. Artist: Richard Newton
'Such things are, That such things are we must allow, but such things never were till now', 1787. Artist: Unknown
'People of consequence', 1794.Artist: John O'Keeffe
'High Change in Bond Street - ou - la Politesse du Grand Monde', 1796. Artist: Unknown
'Berenstat, Cuzzoni and Senesino' c1725.Artist: William Hogarth
'The Stage's Glory', 18th century. Artist: Unknown
'The judgement of the Queen's Common Sense', 1736. Artist: Unknown
'The Enraged Musician', 1741. Artist: William Hogarth
'The Theatrical Steel Yards of 1750', (1751). Artist: Patrick O'Brian
'Fitz-Giggo: A New English Uproar' 1763.Artist: LP Boitard Artist: Unknown
'Ballet Tragique', 1781. Artist: Unknown
'Melpomene', 1784. Artist: Unknown
'Actor reciting to a manager', late 18th century.Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
'The Castle Spectre and her ernest admirer', 1793. Artist: Unknown
'Contemplations upon a coronet', 1797. Artist: Unknown
'Holdl! - Pizarro - Hear me! If not always justly, at least act always greatly', 1799. Artist: Robert Dighton
'The Distrest Poet', 1740. Artist: William Hogarth
'The Paintress of Macaroni's', 1770.Artist: Richard Dighton
'Miss Wicket and Miss Trigger', 1770. Artist: Unknown
'The Sporting Lady', 1776. Artist: Unknown
'Phaetona, or Modern Female Taste', 1776. Artist: Colley
'In Bridewell beating hemp', plate IV of 'The Harlot's Progress', 1833.Artist: S Davenport
'Death of the Earl', plate V of 'Marriage a la mode', 1833. Artist: TE Nicholson
'The five orders of perriwigs' 1761. Artist: William Hogarth
'The case of Lady Erskine!!!-!!!', 1826. Artist: JL Marks
'Tom, Jerry and Logic at All-Max in the East', 1821. Artist: JL Marks
'Proteus taking a benefit according to law', 1825.                                              Artist: Theodore Lane
Women admiring the statue of Achilles, Hyde Park, London, 1822.                       Creator: George Cruikshank.
'The C-r-l-e Column', 1821. Artist: John Baker