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90pages, 5,400 results in yourCategorysearch for"Satires"Advanced Search
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'The Wrong of Search, or The Luggage Question', 1867 Artist: John Tenniel
'Political Kidnapping', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'Mills' Logic; or, Franchise for Females', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'A Change for the Better', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery', 1867. Artist: George du Maurier
'Licensing Day', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'On The Safe Side', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'Sooner or Later; or, What it must come to', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'Hint to Near-Sighted Officers', 1867. Artist: Georgina Bowers
'Probably The Next Absurdity', 1868. Artist: Unknown
'Our Australian Cousin', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Zulu Bride', 1868.  Artist: John Tenniel
'Dr. Bull's Waiting-Room', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Irish Balmoral, Or A Vision of 1869', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Going to the Country', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Rising Tide', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Another Eclipse for India', 1868. Creator: John Tenniel.
'Revised-and Corrected', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Viva La Libertád', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
Experientia Docet, 1868. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
'Justice to Ireland', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Prevention Better Than Cure', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Sancta Nicotina Consolatrix. The Poor Man's Friend', 1869. Artist: George du Maurier
'The Doctor's Bill', 1869. Artist: Charles Samuel Keene
'Committed for Trial', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Two Girls of The Period', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'A Gentle Vegetarian', 1869. Artist: George du Maurier
'The Sunday Question', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Rival Con jurors', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Easing The Curb', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'A Change for The Better', 1869. Artist: Joseph Swain
'How Not To Do It', 1869. Artist: Joseph Swain
'From The Great Pyramid. (A Bird's-Eye View of The Canal and Its Consequences.)', 1869. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Neighbours In Council', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Renewing The Lease', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Very High Farming', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'An Ugly Rush!', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'England's Intervention., 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Education Problem', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'A Duel to the Death', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
Trust Me!, 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Paris, 1870'.  Artist: Joseph Swain
'A Degenerate Daughter', 1870. Artist: George du Maurier
'A Word to The Wise', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'A (Real) German Defeat', 1870. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Police Tyranny', 1870. Artist: Unknown
'Fire and Smoke', 1871. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The End of the Season', 1871. Artist: Joseph Swain
Sauce for the Gander, 1871. Artist: Joseph Swain
'My Health', 1872. Artist: Unknown
'A Ladies' Race', 1872. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Small Things Amuse Small Minds', 1872. Artist: Unknown
'Just Hint a Fault', 1872. Artist: Unknown
'The Imperial Witches', 1872. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Coming Race', 1872. Artist: Unknown
'The Loving Cup', 1872. Artist: Joseph Swain
A Brave Lady, 1872. Artist: Unknown
'Pro Ar(e)is Et Focis', 1872. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Mrs Taffy's Elixir', 1873. Artist: Joseph Swain
The Ugly Duckling, 1873. Artist: Joseph Swain