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90pages, 5,400 results in yourCategorysearch for"Satires"Advanced Search
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'The Whitebait Dinner; or, Parties at Greenwich', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'A Hint from The Whitebait', 1867. Artist: Unknown
'Declined with Thanks; or The Rival Touts', 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
Tuck in yer Twopenny!, 1867. Artist: John Tenniel
'A Hint to The Loyal Irish', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The New Head Master', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Battle of The Spurs', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Another Napier!!', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'A Crisis!', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Steering Under Difficulties', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
For the Defence, 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'Great Lion Show', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel Artist: Unknown
'A Fellow-Feeling', 1868. Artist: Georgina Bowers
'The Worst Managed Railway Running Out of London', 1868. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
'The Modern Dick Turpin; Or, Highwayman and Railwayman', 1868.  Artist: John Tenniel
'A Dress Rehearsal', 1868. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Chichester Extinguisher', 1868. Artist: Unknown
'Pity The Poor Prisoners?', 1868. Artist: Charles Samuel Keene
'Pot and Kettle', 1868. Artist: Unknown
'Turkey and Grease', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Our Siamese Twins', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Extraordinary Mildness of The Political Season', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Habitual Criminal Cure', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'To Sufferers from Nervous Depression', 1869. Artist: Unknown
'Humble Pie (?)', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'Labor Ipse Voluptas', 1869. Artist: Charles Samuel Keene
'Le Duel à Mort', 1869.  Artist: George du Maurier
'Destiny and Fête, Or Time Works Wonders', 1869. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Athletics', 1869. Artist: George du Maurier
'Benjamin Bombastes', 1877. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Great Beetle Panic', 1877. Artist: Montagu Blatchford
'Bull's Eye on Bobby', 1877. Artist: John Tenniel
'Two Manifestoes', 1877. Artist: Joseph Swain
More Police!, 1877. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Pig that Pays the Rint', 1877. Artist: Charles Samuel Keene
'The Gathering of the Eagles', 1877. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Awkward', 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Everybody's Friend!', 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Regular Irregularity', 1878. Artist: Charles Samuel Keene
Blind Hookey, 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
Aeolus, 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
The Easter Egg!, 1878. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Irish Horse; or Not Caught Yet', 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
When Cat Meets Cat; or, Kilkenny Aboo!!!, 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
The Remnant of an Army!, 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
'A Great Parochial Storm', 1879. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
'A Crumb of Comfort', 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Between the Acts', 1879. Creator: Joseph Swain.
'A Black White Elephant', 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Colossus of  Words', 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Performer and Critic', 1879. Artist: Joseph Swain
Will it Burst?, 1880. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Awkward Horse', 1880. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Choice of Hercules', 1880.  Artist: Joseph Swain
'Whines from the Wood', 1880. Artist: Montagu Blatchford
'Tacking-Ready About!', 1880.  Artist: Joseph Swain
The European Concert', 1880. Artist: Joseph Swain
'Labour and Rest', 1880. Artist: Joseph Swain
'The Cat that Killed the Rat', 1880.  Artist: Joseph Swain
In Liquidation, 1880. Artist: Joseph Swain