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75pages, 4,477 results in yourCategorysearch for"Caricatures"Advanced Search
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The Bone of Contention or the English Bull Dog and the Corsican Monkey, June 14, 1803. Creator: Charles Williams.
Boney Bothered or an Unexpected Meeting, July 9, 1808. Creator: Charles Williams.
Lord-tolan prenant sa leçon de dance, La Passions, No. 7, 19th century. Creator: Basset.
Caricature of Berlioz, from La Caricature Provisoire, no. 1, 1838. Creator: Benjamin Roubaud.
Les Visites, Musée Grotesque, No. 21, early 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Le Départ de Calicot Pour le Combat, 1817-18. Creator: Unknown.
892 from Modes de Paris, Journal des Tailleurs, 1848. Creator: Unknown.
L'Elegant from Journal des Tailleurs, 1848. Creator: Unknown.
Two Women Wearing Coats, 1863-64. Creator: Unknown.
Caricatures of paintings by Daubigny and others in Le Salon Pour Rire, ca. 1868. Creator: Andre Gill.
Lazarus and the Rich Man, 1830. Creator: Unknown.
Bergami Pears, or Choice Fruit, October 1820. Creator: Unknown.
My Lady, September 1, 1821. Creator: Unknown.
Peace (Piece) and Plenty (Political Portraits No. 1), ca. 1820. Creator: Unknown.
A Flint, 1811. Creator: Unknown.
Free Negroes in Hayti (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Slaves Concealing their Master from a Search Party (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Passage Through Baltimore (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Battle in Baltimore, April 19, 1861 (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Writing the Emancipation Proclamation (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Free Negroes in the North (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Counterfeit Confederate Notes Publicly Offered for Sale in the "City of Brotherly Love"..., 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Valiant Men "Dat Fite Mit Siegel" (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Vicksburg Canal (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Marylanders Crossing the Potomac to Join the Southern Army (from Confederate War Etchin..., 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Buying a Substitute in the North during the War (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Tracks of the Armies (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Formation of Guerrilla Bands (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Smuggling of Medicines into the South (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Election in Baltimore, November, 1862 (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Offering of Bells to be Cast into Cannon (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
General Stuart's Return from Pennsylvania (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Prayer in Stonewall Jackson's Camp (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Searching for Arms (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Enlistment of Sickles' Brigade, New York (from Confederate War Etchings), 1861-63. Creator: Adalbert John Volck.
Le Goût du Jour ou Des Chinois du Boulevard Coblentz, from Caricatures Parisiennes, ca. 1815. Creator: Anon.
'Lloyd's Coffee House, London', 1798, (1947).  Creator: William Holland.
'Dr. Syntax Reading His "Tour" in the Kitchen of the Dun Cow', c1815, (1943).  Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
'A Real TB', 1824, (1945). Creator: Richard Dighton.
Caricatures of London newspapers, 1833, (1945). Creator: Unknown.
George Augustus Sala, 1875, (1945). Creator: Carlo Pellegrini.
'Two Personages of Great Weight on the Turf. Query_Which is the weightier ?', 1829. Creator: John Doyle.
'A Family Group, framed, glazed and ready to be hung up at Brookes's', 1835.  Creator: John Doyle.
'The Fall of Icarus', 1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'Hounds on a Wrong Scent, or the Red Herring Drag illustrated', 1836.  Creator: John Doyle.
'Vaux Hunting, or the Newest Version of Tally Ho!',1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'March of Reform - Master of Ceremonies in the H. of Commons Improved Manners...', 1837.  Creator: John Doyle.
'A Sharp between Two Flats, Gloucester-Wellington-Cumberland', 1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'A Clear Case of Political Petty Larceny', 1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'Vacation Amusements. (No 1.) Pheasant Shooting!', 1840. Creator: John Doyle.
'"You May Know a Man by the Company He Keeps"', 1833.  Creator: John Doyle.
'H/Cannibalism, or An Irish Stew', 1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'Trios Dogs, A Graphic Tale, with a Moral, for those who can find it out!', 1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'Narcissus (by particular desire.)' ,1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'Receiving the Fatal News!',1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'Fall of the Vaux-Hall Performer',1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'An Interesting Group',1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'A Select Specimen of the BLACK Style', 1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'The Nursery', 1833. Creator: John Doyle.
'Drill Extraordinary, or University Dicipline', 1834. Creator: John Doyle.