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Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British soldier, 1900. Artist: Unknown
'Baines,'The Leeds Mercury', Instructing Young England', 1847. Artist: Unknown
Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947), lst Earl Bewdley, British Conservative politician, 1929. Artist: Unknown
Arthur James Balfour (1848-1930), Scottish-born British statesman and philosopher, 1889. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891), American showman, 1884. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Edward Carson, Irish-born British politician and jurist, 1898. Artist: Unknown
John Morley, British Secretary for Ireland, 1894. Artist: Unknown
Captain Lebedief heroically defending the bastion at Port Arthur, Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5. Artist: Unknown
Russian soldiers celebrating Christmas, Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5. Artist: Unknown
Russian attack on the Japanese trenches, Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5. Artist: Unknown
Benjamin Disraeli, British Conservative, cartoon from 'Punch', 1864. Artist: John Tenniel
Captain Matthew Webb, first man to swim the English Channel, 1875. Artist: Carlo Pellegrini
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), British poet, critic and educationalist, 1881. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Evelyn Ashley (1836-1907), English author and Liberal politician, 1881. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Joseph Bazalgette (1819-1891), English civil engineer, 1883. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), British writer and caricaturist, 1901. Artist: Laurence Houseman
Henry Thompson (1820-1904), British surgeon, 1874. Artist: Unknown
American eagle swooping to guard the Atlantic, 1917. Artist: Unknown
US Army enlistment poster; Destroy this Mad Brute, 1917-1918. Artist: Unknown
American reinforcements to aid the Allied troops before the main US Army arrived, World War 1, 1918. Artist: Leonard Raven-Hill
'Bringing home the Yule Log', 1883. Artist: Unknown
Frederick Augustus Abel  (1827-1902), English chemist and inventor, 1877-1878. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), Scottish statesman, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), Scottish statesman, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), Scottish statesman, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928), British Liberal statesman, 1904. Artist: Spy
Clement Atlee (1883-1967) British Labour statesman, 1932. Artist: Unknown
John James Audobon (1780-1851), American ornithologist and artist, 1836. Artist: Unknown
Alfred Austin (1835-1913), British poet, 1883. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett Amery (1873-1955), English Conservative politician, 1929. Artist: Unknown
Income Tax, 1798. Artist: Unknown
Dice Maker's Workshop, 16th century. Artist: Jost Amman
'Utriusque cosmi historia', 1517-19. Artist: Robert Fludd
Battle of Blenheim August 1704. Artist: Unknown
'The Russian Wolf and The Hebrew Lamb', cartoon from Punch, 1890. Artist: Unknown
Miners panning for gold during the Californian Gold Rush, 1849. Artist: Unknown
Cradling for gold in the Californian gold fields, 1849. Artist: Unknown
Cradling for gold in the Californian gold fields, 1849. Artist: Unknown
Victor Emmanuel II (1st King of Italy) shaking Leopold II (Duke of Tuscany) out of Italy, 1861. Artist: Unknown
Giuseppe Garibaldi, conquering Sicily and Naples for the new kingdom of Italy, 1860. Artist: John Tenniel
Giuseppe Garibaldi turning the 'British idea of the Roman Catholic church' out of Naples, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Giuseppe Garibaldi helping Victor Emmanuel II put on the boot of Italy, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Victor Emmanuel II knocking on the door of Naples, 1861. Artist: John Tenniel
Discussion over the future ruler of unified Italy, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Giuseppe Garibaldi trying to persuade Pope Pius IX, 1860. Artist: John Tenniel
'Man is but a Worm', cartoon from Punch showing evolution from worm to man, 1881. Artist: Unknown
'The New Photographic Looking Glass', cartoon from Punch, everyday proof of man's origins, 1861. Artist: Unknown
Vision of an intellectual family in the 1950s, 1883. Artist: Unknown
Bostonians tarring and feathering the Excise man and forcing tea down his throat, Boston Tea Party. Artist: Unknown
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1918), Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist. Artist: Unknown
George Biddell Airy (1801-1892), English astronomer and geophysicist, 1875. Artist: Carlo Pellegrini
George Biddell Airy (1801-1892), English astronomer and geophysicist, 1883. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Albert (1819-1861), Prince Consort of Queen Victoria, 1850. Artist: Unknown
Alexander II (1818-1881), Tsar of Russia from 1855, 1869. Artist: Coide
Otto von Bismarck German statesman, when Conservative Deputy and Inspector of Dykes, 1867. Artist: Andre Gill
'Extraordinary Mildness of the Political Season', 1869. Artist: John Tenniel
'The Puseyite Moth and the Roman Candle', 1850. Artist: Unknown
William Edward Forster, British Liberal politician, 1879. Artist: Unknown
'The Shadow Dance', 1843. Artist: Unknown
'The Irish Ogre Fattening on the Finest Pisantry', 1843. Artist: Unknown