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Shabaka stone, from Memphis, Ancient Egypt, 25th dynasty, 710 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting depicting the god Thoth, temple of Rameses III, Medinet Habu, Egypt, c1187-c1156 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pectoral jewel from the tomb of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pectoral jewel from the tomb of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Limestone relief showing Hittite soldiers, Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt, 14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief, temple of Rameses III, Medinet Habu, Egypt, 12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Djoser, second king of the 3rd dynasty, Ancient Egyptian, c2613 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model soldiers from the tomb of an 18th dynasty pharoah, Ancient Egyptian, 16th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Limestone relief of a scarab beetle and vulture wings under a disk of the sun, Edfu, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
March, 1412-1416. Artist: Paul Limbourg
Samson pulling down the Temple of Dagon, god of the Philistines, mid 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Socrates, Ancient Greek philosopher. Artist: Unknown
Hermes, Greek god. Artist: Unknown
Entrance to the Acropolis, Athens, 5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Parthenon on the Acropolis, Athens, 5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Socrates, Ancient Greek philosopher, early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Trial of Socrates, Ancient Greek philosopher, 399 BC (19th century). Artist: Unknown
'The Wolf-Charmer', 1881. Artist: John Le Farge
Tomb of Horemheb, last king of 18th dynasty, Ancient Egyptian, c1292 BC. Artist: Unknown
Hellenistic temple at Kawm Umbu (Kom Ombo) Egypt, c2nd century-1st century BC. Artist: Unknown
Jade statue of Quetzalcoatl, Aztec 1350-1521. Artist: Unknown
Jade plaque showing a seated Mayan king, 400-800. Artist: Unknown
Golden sarcophagus of the Pharoah Tutenkhamen, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, Old Kingdom, c26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Gundestrup Cauldron, Celtic ritual vessel, 2nd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Golden sarcophagus of the Egyptian Pharoah Tutenkhamen, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Zoroastrian High Priest reciting before the sacred fire, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Spiritualist meeting in Leipzig, Germany, 1893. Artist: Unknown
Spiritualist meeting in a Paris drawing room, 1853. Artist: Unknown
Spirit unmasked at a London séance, 1880. Artist: Unknown
Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedish philosopher, mystic and cosmologist, 1884. Artist: W Holl
The Temple of the Sun on the island of Titicaca, Peru, 19th century. Artist: Edouard Riou
Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedish scientist, philosopher and mystic, (1854). Artist: Unknown
'Dog Dance of the Dakotas', c1847.Artist: Seth Eastman
'Toltec sculptures', Mexico, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Human sacrifice, Mexico, Pre-Colombian period, (19th century). Artist: Pierre Fritel
Toltec ruins, Mexico, 19th century. Artist: Taylor
'Once More into the Sun', Franco-Prussian War, 1870. Artist: Unknown
Pan playing his pipes, Wood engraving, London, 1862. Artist: Frederic Leighton
Jain cosmos, Indian. Artist: Unknown
Shaker community going to dinner, each carrying their own Shaker chair, New York State, 1870. Artist: Unknown
Pythagoras (c560 - 480 BC), Greek philosopher and scientist. Artist: Unknown
Pythagoras (560-480 BC), Greek philosopher and scientist, demonstrating mathematical relationships. Artist: Unknown
Druids, (1910). Artist: Unknown
Chief Sitting Bull, American Indian, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Black Foot outside his tent, North American Indian, c1885-90. Artist: Unknown
Gold plaques from the Oxus treasure, Achaemenid Persian, 5th-4th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza being used as an astronomical observatory. Artist: Unknown
Prehistoric Anatolian cultural relic from Catal Huyuk, 5750 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom. Artist: Unknown
Athena of Varvakion. Artist: Unknown
Diana/Artemis, goddess of hunting. Artist: Unknown
Hatshepsut, Queen of Egypt, presenting an offering to the god Horus. Artist: Unknown
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) heretic Egyptian pharaoh. Artist: Unknown
Cybele, or Magna Mater (Great Mother), Phrygian/Roman goddess, 1702. Artist: Unknown
Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891) British free-thinker and social reformer. Artist: Spy
Theodore Beza, French religous reformer, c1600 (c1851). Artist: Unknown
Hugo Grotius, Dutch theologian. Artist: Unknown
Hugo Grotius, Dutch theologian, 1762. Artist: Unknown
Jacob de Boehme, German theosophist, mystic and alchemist, c1610 (18th century). Artist: Unknown