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Golden throne of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, 18th dynasty, New Kingdom, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from the tomb of Nefertari, Thebes, Ancient Egypt, 19th Dynasty, 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Funerary papyrus, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, 1550-1293 BC. Artist: Unknown
Mummy and mummy case of a princess, Ancient Egyptian, 21st Dynasty, 1069-945 BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Artemis, Greek goddess of hunting. Artist: Unknown
The murder of Hypatia, neo-Platonic mathematician and philosopher, 415 (mid 19th century). Artist: Unknown
Human sacrifice, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, 1912. Artist: Anon
'A Ceremony in Japan', c1890. Artist: Charles Gillot
Funerary rites on the bank of the River Thames during the late Bronze Age, 1974. Artist: Han Sorrell
Debates on palmistry, 18th century. Artist: J Haynes
The Fortune Teller, (1885).Artist: Freudeberg
A woman sitting on the external bank at Avebury, Wiltshire, 1908. Artist: Harold St George Gray
'Hush', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
'Do not shout you idiot', 1799. Artist: Francisco Goya
'Spleen and Ideal', 1907. Artist: Carlos Schwabe
'Inspiration', 1902. Artist: Carlos Schwabe
'Entrance to the Cave of Beni Hassan', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Fragments of the Great Colossi, at the Memnonium', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Mural from the Tombs of the Nobles, Thebes, Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Three sisters, detail from an Ancient Egyptian mural. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian cosmos, 11th-10th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertari and Isis, Ancient Egyptian wall painting from a Theban tomb, 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian canopic jar with a lid in the shape of a royal woman's head, c1344-1336 BC. Artist: Unknown
Outer coffin of Henettawy, c1040-991 BC. Artist: Unknown
Granite sphinx of Hatshepsut, reign of Hatshepsut, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Detail of the decoration of a sarcophagus of The Lady of Madja, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
'Shabti or Ushabti', a funerary figurine, Egypt, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
'Toui, Priestess of Min', New Kingdom, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
A seigneurial couple in ceremonial clothes, New Kingdom, Egyptian, 19th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Mummy mask of a lady, late period, 1085-332 BC. Artist: Unknown
'Rule Britannia', 1901. Artist: Unknown
'Raising the May-Pole', c1854.Artist: E Goodall
Study, Baptism of a Child', c1584-1609. Artist: Joseph Heintz the Elder
'Roman goddess, Venus Genetrix', c1518-1574 . Artist: Maerten van Heemskerck
'Study of an Angel', c1611-1666. Artist: Guercino
'Midsummer Eve', c1871-1914. Artist: Edward Robert Hughes
'The Battle of Love and Chastity', c1503-1523. Artist: Perugino
Fresco Detail, Initiate Making an Offering, 1st Century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Fresco Detail, Young Girl Reading, 1st Century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Fresco Detail, Ministrant Carrying a Tray of Food, 1st Century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Vestal virgin, Roman, 1st century AD. Artist: Unknown
Relief from the tomb of Ramose, Luxor, Egypt, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'Vestal', 1747. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'La Naissance', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Scene of Hell', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Bronze mother and child statutes, Nuragici culture, Siniscola, Sardinia, 9th-6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Hawaiian statue. Artist: Unknown
Feather money, brought to Forrest's house at Nelua, 1892. Artist: Unknown
Dialogues of the Dead, 1728.  Artist: Bernard Picart
Bernard de Fontenelle, 1728-1729. Artist: Bernard Picart
'The Sibyl of Delphi'. Artist: Unknown
Scene from the Book of the Dead of Any, Egyptian, c1275 BC, (c1900-1920). Artist: Unknown
'Diadem of a priest', first half of 1st century AD. Artist: Unknown
'Pendant with Head of Athena Parthenos', early 4th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'A Philosopher with a Pen in his Hand', 1502-1505. Artist: Vittore Carpaccio
'A Hermit', 1585-1586. Artist: Martin de Vos
Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon, c1920s-c1930s(?). Creator: Unknown.
The Theseion, the agora, Athens, Greece, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
Capitol, Thuburbo Majus, Tunisia.
Back of temples, Sbeitla, Tunisia.