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Cabin in Hancock County, Mississippi, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Families are left stranded without means of support..., Near Kiln, Mississippi, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Home of family left stranded when the mill "cut out" Near Kiln, Mississippi, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper family near Hazlehurst, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper family near Hazlehurst, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper family near Hazlehurst, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
The one inhabitant remaining in Fullerton, Louisiana, an abandoned lumber town, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
A hitchhiking family waiting along the highway in Macon, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
A hitchhiking family waiting along the highway in Macon, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Turpentine worker's camp, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Turpentine worker, DuPont, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Wife of turpentine worker near DuPont, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Stranded residents of Careyville, Florida, , 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Stranded residents of Careyville, Florida, , 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Stranded residents of Careyville, Florida, , 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Landless family, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Farm boy with sack full of boll of cotton plants, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Farm boy with sack full of boll of cotton plants, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Cotton laborer's house, Louisiana, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Father of landless sharecropper family, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Thirteen-year old sharecropper boy near Americus, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper's child whose father receives five dollars a month, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Cotton sharecropper family, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Cotton sharecropper family, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Tenant family...who are rural rehabilitation clients, Greene County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Texas tenant farmers who have been displaced from their land by tractor farming, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Interior of plantation house now vacant, Greene County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Interior of a plantation house now vacant, Greene County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Antebellum plantation house, Greene County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Plantation owner's home, Marshallville, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Plantation owner's home, Marshallville, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Negro field hand getting ready to go to town on a Saturday afternoon, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
What was once the "Big House" is now occupied by a family, Greene County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Home of a Greene County, Georgia, fieldhand, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Washing facilities on a Greene County, Georgia, tenant farm, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Washing facilities on a Greene County, Georgia, tenant farm, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Washing facilities on a Greene County, Georgia, tenant farm, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Decaying antebellum plantation house in Greene County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Negro wage laborer and part of his family, Macon County, Georgia, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
White sharecropper's house near Gaffney, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
House of cotton sharecropper (white) near Gaffney, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Child of sharecropper, near Gaffney, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper family near Chesnee, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Grandmother of sharecropper family near Chesnee, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Grandmother of fifty-six children, mother of fourteen..., near Chesnee, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Sharecropper boy near Chesnee, South Carolina, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
South Carolina sharecropper, 1937. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Farm Security Administration camp for migrant agricultural workers at Shafter, California, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Farm Security Administration camp for migrant agricultural workers at Shafter, California, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Farm Security Administration camp for migrant agricultural workers at Shafter, California, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Farm Security Administration camp for migrant agricultural workers at Shafter, California, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
She lives on "Scratch Hill," outside Atoka, Oklahoma, Atoka County, Oklahoma, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Colored plowboys on cotton plantation in Brazos riverbottoms, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Native Texas tenant farmer, Near Goodliet, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Negro sharecropper with twenty acres, Brazos riverbottoms, near Bryan, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Wife of a Mexican sharecropper near Bryan, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Old time professional migratory laborer camping on the outskirts of Perryton, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Water barrels on plantation cabin in Brazos riverbottoms, near Bryan, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.
Home on "Scratch Hill," outside Atoka, Oklahoma, 1938. Creator: Dorothea Lange.