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20pages, 1,158 results in yourCategorysearch for"Sickness & Disease"Advanced Search
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The Quack, c.1619-c.1625. Creator: Anon.
Removing the Rocks in the Head', c.1550-c.1600. Creator: Unknown.
The foot operation, 1630-1647. Creator: Pieter Jansz. Quast.
Man with Urine Bottle in his Hand, c.1650-c.1674. Creator: Antonio Zanchi.
Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, Adirondack Mountains, c1902. Creator: William H. Jackson.
Faut pas vous désoler comme ca ..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
The Crimean Troops Defiling at the Foot of the Column, Place Vendome, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Incident on board "The Cruiser", in the Gulf of Riga, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Her Majesty laying the Foundation-Stone of the New Military Hospital at Hamble, near Southampton, 18 Creator: Unknown.
'Apres la reprise du Fort de Vaux; le couloir central', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Dans les forts reconquis de Douaumont et de Vaux; couloir de l'infirmerie dans le fort de..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Dans le jardin d'une legation allemande. Explosifs et cultures de microbes; la caissette..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Dans le jardin d'une legation allemande. Explosifs et cultures de microbes; l'un des huit..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'On ne s'etait pas revus Douaumont', 1916. Creator: J Simont.
'Le poste de secours; un brancardier apporte sur son dos un blesse, tandis que des..., 1916. Creator: Georges Leroux.
'Nos marins blesses pendant les journees des 1er et 2 decembre, en traitement a..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
Alma Sanitarium, smoking room, Alma, Mich., between 1895 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
Alma Sanitarium, billiard room, Alma, Mich., between 1895 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
Alma Sanitarium, in the grounds, Alma, Mich., between 1895 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
Mary Fletcher [Free] Hospital, Burlington, Vt., between 1910 and 1920. Creator: Unknown.
Visiting nurses' building, Detroit, Mich., between 1905 and 1915. Creator: Unknown.
Visiting nurses' building, showing group, Detroit, Mich., between 1905 and 1915. Creator: Unknown.
The Alma Sanitarium, Alma, Mich., c1902. Creator: Unknown.
Maternity building, New England Hospital for Women & Children, Dimock Street, Boston..., c1900-1910. Creator: Unknown.
Maternity building, New England Hospital for Women & Children, Dimock Street, Boston, Mass., between Creator: Unknown.
Medical building, New England Hospital for Women & Children, Dimock Street, Boston..., c1900-1910. Creator: Unknown.
Institute for the blind, Saginaw, Mich., between 1900 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
Saginaw General Hospital, Saginaw, Mich., between 1900 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
Buffalo State Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y., between 1900 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
City hospital, Holyoke, Mass., between 1900 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
The Tooth Puller, 1837. Creator: Benard and Frey.
A doctor at the bedside, 1840. Creator: Julius Friedlaender.
The Sick Girl, 1882. Creator: Michael Peter Ancher.
Visit to a sick old woman, 1884. Creator: Frederik Vermehren.
The Raising of Lazarus, 1515-1520. Creators: Master of the Legend of the Magdalen, Lucas van Leyden, Master of the Holy Blood.
The Raising of Lazarus, 1615. Creator: Jan Tengnagel.
A Surgeon Operating on a Foot. The Five Senses: The Sense of Touch, 1637-1656. Creator: Anthonie Victoryns.
Bagpipe Music and Singing. The Five Senses: The Sense of Hearing, 1637-1656. Creator: Anthonie Victoryns.
Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton, Pa., between 1900 and 1906. Creator: Unknown.
Insane Asylum, Columbus, O[hio], between 1900 and 1906. Creator: Unknown.
Margaret Hospital, Montgomery, Ala., c1906. Creator: Unknown.
Alexander the Great on his Sickbed, 1806. Creator: CW Eckersberg.
A Wounded Danish Soldier, 1865. Creator: Elisabeth Baumann.
Midsummer's Eve. Sick People Asleep upon the Grave of St. Helena at Tisvilde, 1847. Creator: Jorgen Sonne.
''Bertelli's Catramin Pills; Gold Medal Diploma Nationl Exhibition Edinburgh 1890', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''Indigene du Congo atteint de la maladie du sommeil; L'Ouest Africain', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
Le docteur Véron refusant tout espèce de consolation, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Un réveil en sursaut, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Paris enrhumé, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Paris grippé, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
A Sick Peasant Woman, 1646-1664. Creator: Cornelis Bega.
The Daughter of Jairus, 1863. Creator: Carl Bloch.
Dr. Freedman - Children Cured By His Cure, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Dr. Freedman - Children Cured By His Cure, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Dr. Freedman - Children Cured By His Cure, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
J.D. Long, Medical Director, Public Health Service, 1923. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Panama Canal, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Letter with news of a child's death, 1876-1913. Creator: Unknown.
Petition for compensation for slave pressed into military service, Civil War, 1863-12-04. Creator: Unknown.
L. Warren Nelson authorizing his Attorney to receive any and all money from the State..., 1864. Creator: Unknown.