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Initial O: A Woman on her Deathbed with the Virgin and Child and Devils; Book of Hours, about 1500. Creator: Workshop of Gerard Horenbout.
Initial G: Souls in Purgatory; Book of Hours, about 1500. Creator: Workshop of Gerard Horenbout.
The Crucifixion with a Kneeling Woman; Book of Hours, about 1500. Creator: Workshop of Gerard Horenbout.
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
A Burial; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
The Last Judgment; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
The Stoning of Saint Stephen; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford Master.
The last perquisition, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
Tomb in Arundel Church, Sussex, 1872. Creator: Unknown.
Inside the prison of La Roquette, Paris, 1871. Creator: William Simpson.
Shooting Communist prisoners in the Garden of the Luxembourg, 1871. Creator: Unknown.
Bingley Cemetery, Bingley, West Yorkshire, c1930s. Creator: Arthur William Hobart.
Mummy Portrait of a Woman, A.D. 100. Creator: Isidora Master.
Front Panel from a Sarcophagus, about A.D. 180. Creator: Unknown.
Front Panel of a Garland Sarcophagus, about A.D. 140-170. Creator: Unknown.
Initial M: The Death of Saint Dominic, about 1265. Creator: Bolognese Illuminator of the First Style.
Initial Q: A Priest Stabbed by a Soldier; Bute Psalter, text and illumination about 1285. Creator: Bute Master.
Lydia Ordering the Death of Her Sons, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
Office of the Dead; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Master of James IV of Scotland.
The Crucifixion, about 1400-1410. Creator: Master of St. Veronica.
The Three Living and the Three Dead; Crohin-La Fontaine Hours, about 1480-1485 ?. Creator: Master of the Dresden Prayer Book.
Assassination scene - miniature from a manuscript, about 1420. Creator: Master of Trinity College Ms. B.11.7.
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian; Munich-Montserrat Hours, about 1535-1540. Creator: Simon Bening.
Saint Jerome in the Desert; Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, about 1469. Creator: Taddeo Crivelli.
Initial E: The Death of Moses; Marquette Bible, about 1270. Creator: Unknown.
Initial E: Abishag before David on his Deathbed; Marquette Bible, about 1270. Creator: Unknown.
Initial V: Isaiah Being Sawn in Two; Marquette Bible, about 1270. Creator: Unknown.
Initial V: The Stoning of Jeremiah; Marquette Bible, about 1270. Creator: Unknown.
Initial A: Judith Beheading Holofernes; Marquette Bible, about 1270. Creator: Unknown.
Initial C: Isaiah Being Sawn in Two; Psalter, about 1240-1250. Creator: Unknown.
Monks Praying for a Deceased Person; Psalter, about 1390. Creator: Unknown.
Initial C: The Entombment; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: Unknown.
The Crucifixion; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: Unknown.
The Women at the Tomb; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: Unknown.
Initial S: The Deposition; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: Unknown.
Initial E: Judas's Suicide; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: Unknown.
The Death of Sennacherib; miniature from a Book of Old Testament Prophets, about 1300. Creator: Unknown.
The Translation of the Bodies of Aimo and Vermondo..., about 1400. Creator: Anovelo da Imbonate.
Mass for the Dead; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420. Creators: Boucicaut Master, Workshop of the Boucicaut Master.
Old Mortality / Still life of Skull, Books, and Hourglass / Vanitas / The Sands of Time, about 1860. Creator: Thomas Richard Williams.
Tomb Altar for Caltilius and Caltilia, A.D. 100-125. Creator: Unknown.
Cinerarium with Lid, about A.D. 20-40. Creator: Unknown.
Fragment of a Roman Funerary Relief, late 1st century B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Fragment of a Sarcophagus Lid, A.D. 180-190. Creator: Unknown.
Roman Sarcophagus Fragment, about A.D. 250-275. Creator: Unknown.
Miniature Skeleton, 25 B.C.-A.D. 100. Creator: Unknown.
Bust of L. Licinius Nepos, A.D. 1-25. Creator: Unknown.
Grave Relief of Agrippina, about A.D. 150. Creator: Unknown.
Funerary Relief of a Man, first half of 3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Funerary Relief with Busts of Popillius and Calpurnia, A.D. 1-20. Creator: Unknown.
Grave Stele For Helena, A.D. 150-200. Creator: Unknown.
Sarcophagus with lid and 4 unjoined fragments, A.D. 180-220. Creator: Unknown.
Sarcophagus representing a Dionysiac Vintage Festival, A.D. 290-300. Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Sarcophagus with the Muses, mid-3rd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Front of a Sarcophagus with the Myth of Endymion, about A.D. 210. Creator: Unknown.
Latin Funerary Inscription Cut into the Reverse of a Fluted Pilaster Revetment, 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: Unknown.
Roman Funerary Inscription, 1st century B.C. Creator: Unknown.
Bilingual Funerary Inscription, A.D. 14-100. Creator: Unknown.
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: Unknown.
The Entombment; Prayer Book of Charles the Bold, about 1471. Creator: Lieven van Lathem.