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'Avalanche Cliffs on the South Side of Granite Harbour', c1911, (1913).  Artist: T Griffith Taylor.
'Granite Blocks Planed by Ancient Glaciers at Cape Roberts', c1911, (1913).  Artist: T Griffith Taylor.
'Mount England and the New Glacier', c1911, (1913).  Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Sketch Map to Illustrate Journeys of the Western Geological Parties', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'The Mouth of Dry Valley, Showing The Commonwealth Glacier', 1912, (1913).  Artist: Frank Debenham.
'The Relief of the Western Party by the 'Terra Nova'', 18 February 2012, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Shadow of Mount Erebus on the Clouds', September 1911, (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Demetri Geroff', c1911, (1913). Artist: Tryggve Gran.
'Gran With Mule 'Lal Khan', c1911, (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Midwinter Day, 1912 - The Officers', (1913).  Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Midwinter Day, 1912 - The Men', (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Looking West from Cape Evans', 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'The Hut After The Winter', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Ramp and the Slopes of Erebus', 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'The Last Rest (The Grave of Scott, Wilson and Bowers)', November 1912, (1913). Artist: Tryggve Gran.
'An April Sunset from Hut Point, Looking West', 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'The Ramparts of Mount Erebus', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Remains of an Explosion Crater on Erebus (9,000 feet)', c1911, (1913). Artist: Raymond E Priestley.
'Erebus Party, December 1912', (1913). Artist: Raymond E Priestley.
'Highest Camp in Antarctica - Active Crater', c1912, (1913). Artist: Raymond E Priestley.
'South Fang, Old Crater', c1912, (1913). Artist: Raymond E Priestley.
'The Summit of Erebus', c1912, (1913). Artist: Tryggve Gran.
'Sketch Map of Mount Erebus showing routes of ascent', c1912, (1913). Artist: Unknown.
'Lieut. Pennell with a Prismatic Compass', December 1910, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Lieut. Bruce', 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Officers of the 'Terra Nova', 1912 Voyage', (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Main Physiographic Features of the Mackay Glacier and Granite Harbour', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'Ice Flowers on Newly Formed Sea Ice', 1912, (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Growing Ice-Foot, Cape Evans', c1911, (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Ice Crystals in Crevasse', June-July 1911, (1913). Artist: Charles S Wright.
'C. S. Wright Making Observation with the Transit.', 8 August 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Dr. Simpson in his Laboratory', 21 December 1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'A Blizzard - March 12th, 1911', (1913). Artist: George Clarke Simpson.
'A Blizzard with Gusts - July 23rd, 1911', (1913). Artist: George Clarke Simpson.
'Sudden Commencements of Blizzards. April 30th, 1911. May 31st, 1911. September 1st, 1911.', (1913). Artist: George Clarke Simpson.
'D. G. Lillie, with Some of the Siliceous Sponges', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'F. Debenham', 9 September 1911, (1913).  Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'E. W. Nelson with the Nansen-Petersen Insulated Water-Bottle', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Clearing Drift from Window of Hut at Cape Adare', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
''The Warning.' An Oncoming Blizzard', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Slope of the Warning Glacier', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Exterior of Igloo', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Igloo Passage', 1912, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Ice Cave', c1911, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'A Moulting Penguin', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Wilson Piedmont Glacier, Showing the Continuous Ice Cliffs', c1911, (1913). Artist: Frank Debenham.
'Couloir Cliffs, Granite Harbour, Showing the Camp Off the Piedmont Tongue', c1911, (1913). Artist: T Griffith Taylor.
'Lieut. E. R. G. R. Evans Surveying With The Four-Inch Theodolite', October 1911, (1913).  Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Mount Erebus', c1911, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Captain Robert F. Scott, R.N., C.V.O.', c1900-1910, (1913). Creator: Emery Walker.
''A.B. Cheetham, (The boatswain of the Terra Nova)', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Cape Crozier: The End of the Great Ice Barrier', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Landing a Motor-Sledge', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Group After Winter in Igloo', 1912, (1913). Artist: G Murray Levick.
'Sledging', 1911, (1913). Artist: Edward Wilson.
'Heavy Pack in which the Ship Was Held Up ', 1912, (1913).  Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Heavy Pack in which the Ship Was Held Up', 1912, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Crew of the 'Terra Nova', c1910–1913, (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'Captain Oates and Ponies on the 'Terra Nova'', c1910-1912, (1913). Creator: Herbert Ponting.
''Vaida', c1910–1913, (1913).  Artist: Herbert Ponting.