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An ivory mask from Benin, Nigeria worn by the Oba of Benin on ceremonial occasions. Artist: Unknown
Gold Roman hair ornament, set with sapphires, emeralds, and pearls, 3rd century. Artist: Unknown
Gold Roman bracelet set with sapphires, emeralds, and pearls, 3rd century. Artist: Unknown
Roman terracotta figure of the goddess Juno, with a Peacock, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian wall-painting of Amenhotep I, 16th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Bronze plaque of the Oba of Benin in his divine aspect. Artist: Unknown
'Caesar meeting Cleopatra', 1747.  Artist: Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
'Landscape with Moses Saved from the Nile', late 17th or 18th century. Artist: Etienne Allegrain
Scottish missionary and explorer David Livingstone being attacked by a lion, Africa, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Scottish explorer and missionary David Livingstone preaching from a wagon, Africa, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
David Livingstone being carried on a makeshift stretcher through the jungle. Artist: Unknown
Inscription on the monument to David Livingstone, Zambia, Africa, late 19th or early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Bringing David Livingstone's body down to the coast, Africa, 1873. Artist: Unknown
Sir Henry Morton Stanley meets David Livingstone, Africa, 1871. Artist: Unknown
British soldiers in action, South Africa, Boer War, 1901. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'The Coldstream Company on the great Transvaal campaign', South Africa, Boer War, 1900. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
British naval gun, South Africa, Boer War, 1900. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Captain Sir Edward Chichester, British naval officer, Cape Town, South Africa, 1900.  Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Putting a shell into a siege train gun at the Modder River, South Africa, Boer War, 1900. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Convalescent soldiers, general hospital no 10, Bloemfontein, South Africa, Boer War, 1901. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'Wounded fusilier after the Boers' brave stand near Orange River', South Africa, Boer War, 1900. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Building in which prisoners of war were tried, Pretoria, South Africa, Boer War, 1901. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'The last drop', battlefield scene, Dordrecht, South Africa, Boer War, 30 December, 1900. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
East London, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Government buildings, Bloemfontein, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Kimberley diamond mine, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
De Beer's diamond mine, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Morning market, Kimberley, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Washing gear and floors at a mine, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
King William's Town, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Valley of Desolation, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Gamtoos River, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Graaff-Reinet, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Van Stadens Pass, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Port Alfred, Kowie River, Cape diamond and gold mines, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
In the Darb-el-Ahmar, Cairo, Egypt, 20th century. Artist: J Dearden Holmes
Entrance to Museum, Cairo, Egypt, 20th century. Artist: J Dearden Holmes
Bazaar of El Ghoria, Cairo, Egypt, 20th century. Artist: J Dearden Holmes
On the Mahmoudiyah Canal, Alexandria, Egypt, 20th century. Artist: J Dearden Holmes
Native women with baskets of hippo meat, Karoo, South Africa, 1924 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Grave of Cecil Rhodes, British businessman and politician in Africa, Southern Rhodesia, 1924 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Ploughing through mud, Bulawayo to Dett, Southern Rhodesia, c1924-c1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
Stuck in the mud, Bulawayo to Dett, Southern Rhodesia, c1924-c1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Stella Court Treatt tending a sick baby, Bulawayo to Dett, Southern Rhodesia, c1924-c1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Stuck in a bog, Bulawayo to Dett, Southern Rhodesia, c1924-c1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
On the 'road', Dett to Wankie, Southern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Errol Hinds making a deal in chickens, Wankie to Victoria Falls, Southern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Meal time, Livingstone to Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
Eastern cataract, Victoria Falls, Livingstone to Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
Stella Court Treatt at Victoria falls, Livingstone to Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
Errol Hinds and Julius Mapata, Livingstone to Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Awemba girl, Livingstone to Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
The story teller, Livingstone to Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
A rocky road, Abercorn to Tukuyu, Tanganyika, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Chaplin Court Treatt's leopard, Abercorn to Tukuyu, Tanganyika, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Crossing the Chambesi River on a broken pontoon, Northern Rhodesia, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
A boy with 'horns', Abercorn to Tukuyu, Tanganyika, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
Stella Court Treatt, British adventurer, author and film maker, Maereres, Tanganyika, 1925 (1927).  Artist: Thomas A Glover
Ugandan dancers, Dodoma to Mongalla, Uganda, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A Glover
A desperate stand at the Modder River, South Africa, 2nd Boer War, 18 December 1899. Artist: Underwood & Underwood