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4pages, 200 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Central Greece and Euboea"Advanced Search
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A Byzantine mosaic of Christ Pantocrator, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
A byzantine mosaic of St Basil, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic detail of the angel Gabriel, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
Byzantine mosaic of the Transfiguration, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
Byzantine mosaic of the baptism of Christ, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
The Byzantine monastery at Daphni, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
The Byzantine monastery at Daphni, 11th century. Artist: Unknown
Terracotta statuette of a goddess. Artist: Unknown
Gold pendant from the Aegina treasure, 17th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Gold pectoral from the Aegina treasure, 17th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Gold earring from the Aegina treasure, 17th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Scene from the Gigantomachy on the north frieze of the Siphnian Treasury, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Byzantine mosaic of Christ Pantocrator. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Athena from Greek temple of Aphaia at Aegina, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Herakles from the Greek temple of Aphaia at Aegina, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Sculpture of a fallen warrior from the Greek temple of Aphaia at Aegina, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Tholos of Athena Pronaia, 4th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Temple of Apollo at Delphi, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of a frieze on the Treasury of the Siphnians, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of a frieze on the Treasury of the Siphnians, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Sculpture from the pediment of the Siphnian treasury, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Greek statues of Kleobis and Biton, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of the Charioteer of Delphi, 5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Greek votive relief of actors. Artist: Unknown
Omphalos from Delphi, 2nd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Greek terracotta bust of a young girl or goddess, 5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Where Lord Byron died, Missolonghi, Greece, 1888. Artist: Unknown
Piraeus, Athens, Greece, c1888. Artist: Unknown
'Leonidas at Thermopylae', 5th century BC, (c1814). Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Spartans asking the Oracle at Delphi whether to make war against Athens, c431 BC (1910). Artist: Unknown
'Consulting the Delphic Oracle', 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Roman wallpainting of Achilles hiding in Scyros, the House of the Dioscuri, Pompeii.  Creator: Unknown.
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
Trophy, Maratona (Marathonas), Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The burial mound of the Athenians at Maratona (Marathonas), Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The burial mound of the Athenians at Maratona (Marathonas), Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
House IV in Eretria, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
House S at Eretria, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The theatre at Eretria, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Artemis Laphria at Kalydon, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Temple of Artemis Laphria at Kalydon, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The theatre at Kalydon, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
A medallion bust of Marcus Aurelius, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
A medallion bust of Marcus Aurelius, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Lesser Propylaea, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Lesser Propylaea, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
A monument at Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Lesser Propylaea, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
Plutoneion, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
An exedra in Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Sacred Way, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Sacred Way, Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal
The Telesterion at Eleusis, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal